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EEP 22 2.0 Season Update 22/23


Youth Team
hello, just met with this patch for the first time. Seems like you forgot to ad KF Ballkani to complete the Eurocups tournaments.
I still have a few questions about the mod, I would be very happy if you answer.
1. As I wanted to set up a career mode with Porto, I noticed while reviewing the players: Gabriel Veron, the new signing from Palmeiras, has a bald and completely unrelated face. In Edit mode, no changes can be made to the face or hair. (Although hair is selected in Edit mode, it remains bald in every way) By the way, even though I changed the hair and face code using cheat table and player editor, nothing changed in the game. I wonder if there is a way to fix this and be a correct-looking Gabriel Veron?
2. The faces and appearances of some players like Gatti from Juventus that come to mind right now (I can't remember the other ones I've encountered) are completely Asian and don't look like their real self. Again I couldn't fix this with cheat engine. I hope you know a way to fix it.
First of all, thank you very much SlimOntario, you fixed the issues for these two players with the update.
But I am using the new update with Fifer's Realism Mod as demonstrated by YouTube user Sidaus xd. (Your compatibility plugin from Update 3 is active) However, players such as Gabriel Veron, Gatti and Torre from Barcelona are again Asian and their appearance is uncorrectable in the squad files shared by the user.

So may I ask how you did it before? What is the solution? Maybe I can fix the appearance of players like this with the same method.
Yo, I think the mod is incredible but you can make the balkan league better I think, you can unite croatian, romanian and greek league in the balkan league so there would be more than 20 teams and even an league 2 (or you can also add dynamo kiev, shaktar and maybe nicosie to the balkan league)


Club Supporter
Yo, I think the mod is incredible but you can make the balkan league better I think, you can unite croatian, romanian and greek league in the balkan league so there would be more than 20 teams and even an league 2 (or you can also add dynamo kiev, shaktar and maybe nicosie to the balkan league)
That's a bad idea, honestly. Why would you want to remove real leagues from the game?
With all due respect, I completely agree.
I think the more real leagues we can have in the game, the more complete and realistic the experience becomes.
After the world cup is over, would you recommend a patch for the clubs? Will there be teams and jerseys for 2023, for example, UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League teams Ballkani, Pyunik, Shamrock Rovers will teams be made? FINALLY, TURKEY SUPERLIG faces jerseys.. I'm waiting for a patch as good as the world cup patch. thank you skoczek and ovido
hello, in 2023 it's even worse, only the download doesn't even exceed 400kbps of this mod on Sharemods, please fix the download speed.