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[DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

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Dear gigi,i have a question..how can i change the cups in custome cup? (For example how can i add champions league cup in custome cups)?
The similarities that you notice - some of which are simply due to chance, because the human phonetic inventory is limited in any case - are explained in light of the fact that all the languages you mentioned are Indo-European languages, although belonging to different branches: Italian is a Romance language; Polish and Ukrainian are Slavic languages; Lithuanian and Latvian are both languages of the Baltic branch. Going back even further in time, an original Balto-Slavic unity has been postulated. As for the relationship between Latin and Greek, the question is very complex and cannot be explained only in light of the common Indo-European origin - I reiterate, however, that the two languages belong to two different branches of Indo-European! - Historical reasons that date back to the final phase of the Bronze Age (12th century BC) with the first Mycenaean visits in the Tyrrhenian area of central Italy, are certainly to be taken into consideration. For the rest, we need to look at the long coexistence between the two languages during the centuries of the Roman Empire, which produced mutual phenomena of linguistic interference (this is the technical term we use in the academic field). In dismissing myself, I apologize to all those who, reading these lines, were disappointed or bored, hoping to read news about Giggi's splendid patch! Moreover, this is not the place to address issues as serious as those raised by pregadordouard. However, it is interesting to note how a simple (cultured) joke from Giggi has generated this debate!
Oddly enough, the Phoenician > Greek > Latin alphabets are more similar than many people think.


  • evolution-alphabet.jpg
    134.4 KB · Views: 61


Starting XI
Dear gigi,i have a question..how can i change the cups in custome cup? (For example how can i add champions league cup in custome cups)?
You need to know the tournament ID, get the files of the cup you are interested in and assign that ID to them. The thing is, I don't know the custom tournament ID.