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creation master 09 problem


Club Supporter
when i click on it message appear
creation master has encountered problem--------)

what is upposed to do
i have net framework installed (the right version)
PLZ help(Y)


Club Supporter
Problem with Installing Creation Master 09

Hi !

I face a unique problem while installing Creation Master 09 in my system. I have already installed .NET framework 2.0 in my system. But after installing CM 09 in my system, the software is not running and a strange msg is coming on the screen. Following link shows the error msg...

The Creation Master 09 Error Message

N.B. Can you please tell me where to install CM 09. Should I install it in the folder of FIFA 09 or it can be installed anywhere??


Club Supporter
i have the sme problem on but i cant seem to find help anywhere, some one please help, i tried it on vista 32 bit but it didnt work n now even on xp service pack 2


Club Supporter
I had same problem go to google & make sure u have the latest netframework (3.5) & that u have the latest Dirext X (Very important), hope this helps


Club Supporter
Hi all, I may have a solution to the CM09 issue. It takes a bit of patience but I was experiencing all of the problems mentioned and this is how I finally fixed it (I reinstalled Windows XP twice but we won't go into that)

Firstly you need the CM09 Beta (I used 1) and CM09 Release 1, with .Net Framework 1.1 and 2.0.

Firstly I started from scratch - I uninstalled CM09 and any versions of .NET Framework and began by installing the CM09 Beta 1. When I tried to load it, I would get an error code 0x0c0000135 - if you google that error it will tell you that you need .NET Framework 1.1.

I therefore installed that and tried the CM09 beta again. This time I got an error stating that .NET Framework 2.0 was required. I then installed that.

At the third attempt the CM09 beta launched but I got warnings that I may lose data and that it was a beta version etc. I then exited the CM09 beta and installed CM09 release 1.1 over the top of it. When I relaunched CM09 it came up with no errors.

Now I had CM09 working I went to edit some kits etc and started getting unhandled exception errors. I solved this by downloading the latest version of DirectX. Now CM09 runs as sweet as a nut with no errors.

I know the pain some of you have been experiencing and I hope this helps.


Club Supporter
creation master 09 problem wit adding players

I am Matija from Slovenia.
I have a patch Prva liga telekom Slovenia league for fifa09.
There are the clubs with not all players and i want to add new players
to club and also excisting players which i want to add to my team (my club).
I create the patch which contains data from patch prva liga telekom Slovenia
and some new players I made it and also existing players which I took from
other clubs (in old clubs I have deleted this players so they dont duplicate).
I load this new patch with creation master 09 but it doesnt work, there are not
players I added it.
I tried to uninstall fifa 09 and load the patch one more time but it doesnt work.
I dont know what to do.
Can you please help me?