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Classic mod

Plan for my classic mod this season is to bring the last mod(early 90s mod) I had for Fifa 22 to Fifa 23. After that, there is a plan to create late 90s mod. It will take a lot of time, because there is around 200 new faces on the list. And right now my idea is to go season by season after that. So it will be 2000/2001 season, then 2001/2002...we will see how far I will go with this.

Work in progress, early 90s mod in Fifa 23:

Retro mod 23.png
Fifa 23 early 90s mod is finished:

I plan to give the mod for free to one person. People interested can send me the PM, and I will randomly pick the winner.
Also people that already bought the Fifa 22 early 90s mod can contact me, and will get this one for free.
I have bought 10-13 mod for fifa 22. Will get the version for fifa 23?
I am not going to transfer all fifa 22 mods to fifa 23. It would take a lot of time. I will be making new mods, with new teams and faces, and as I said they will be from season to season from the year 2000.
The early 90s mod was created at the end of the fifa 22 cycle so I decided to transfer it to fifa 23.
While work on late 90s classic mod is underway, I have created free mod for 3 Serbian teams that will be there. Crvena Zvezda, Partizan and Sartid Smederevo late 90s edition. All 3 clubs are added to rest of the world teams. The download link is on my buymeacoffee profile.
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