Great game in all honesty, just finished playing it yesterday.
After hearing how it's been getting banned in so many places you could be forgiven for feeling somewhat disappointed the first couple of times you try it. You might be expecting a teen version of Manhunt where you get to maim and butcher other people, but instead get something that feels a bit more like Harry Potter, especially at the beginning when you have to run around attending classes. But you quickly get over that and find that it's a very fun and engaging game. If anything it discourages bullying and shows you what pricks bullies can be, there's no killing, no blood, no guns, only weapons you'll be using are things like firecrackers, stink bombs, and slingshots. I seriously doubt if those retards who banned it even spent 10 minutes playing it. I'm playing scarface atm and that's 50x more hardcore.
Major standouts for me include the graphics, pretty good for a PS2 game. Solid storyline - every mission you do either adds something to the story or helps unlock something you can use in the game. How every character in the game has their own easily recognizable traits and personality. It's pretty easy to get the hang of and you should pass nearly every mission on your first or second attempt. There's lots of bike races to do, and you'd also want to check out all the games and rides at the carnival for sure. It's also cool to just hangout and play pranks on random people, like taking a 'kick-me' sign and sticking it on the back of the biggest guy you could find and then seeing him get jumped on by 5 nerds.
The only things I disliked were how the game had to load everytime you'd enter or exit a building, the loading times aren't really long but it could be a potential problem when your disk gets older and starts getting scratched. Moreover the game clock runs down pretty quickly and you kind of wish you had more time to do other stuff during the day. And it can sometimes be annoying how the prefects or cops keep chasing you for the slightest indiscretions, since when do they send police cars after you just for giving someone a wedgie?
But all in all the game's a lot of fun and i'd recommend it to anybody. And I can definitely see a sequel coming out for this one.