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The best FREE Mod/Patch for FIFA 21 in Brazil is finally out. It took a lot of time to make and a lot of effort. I hope you guys enjoy it, and as we are already the V2 that will include Brazil's Serie B, we would like the most help we can find on this forum. If you would like to help us with this HUGE project, contact Jhony16#7998 or linhares#1910 on discord. (The rosters of the mod are updated till july second)
Content V1:
  • New teams:
  1. -Cuiabá
  2. -America MG
  3. -Chapecoense
  4. -Juventude
  5. -Cruzeiro
  6. -Ponte Preta
  • Updated Brazilian Team Uniforms for Season 21/22
  • All generic licensed teams with correct names and uniforms (Juventus, Roma, Boca Juniors, River Plate, Sport Recife)
  • All Licensed National Teams
  • About 200 new scanned faces (Coaches and Players)
  • Licensed Brasileirão (real images, banners, flags, etc)
  • New balls:
  1. Nike CBF Strike
  2. Nike Ball Libertadores 2021
  3. Nike Cup America 2020 Ball
  4. Adidas EURO 2020 Ball
  5. Adidas Club World Ball 2021
  • Brasileirão career mode with all 20 teams from Serie A 2021
  • All licensed Brasileirão players
  • Licensed generic competitions
  • New minifaces for all Brasileirão players
  • New competitions:
  1. Copa do Brasil (Career Mode and Tournament Mode)
  2. Brazil Super Cup (Career Mode and Tournament Mode)
  3. CONCACAF Champions League (Career Mode)
  4. Club World (Career Mode)
  5. J.League YBC Levain Cup/CONMEBOL Sudamericana Final (Career Mode)
  • 14 new national teams added made by paul2008me:
  1. South Korea
  2. Japan
  3. Saudi Arabia
  4. Qatar
  5. Senegal
  6. Morocco
  7. Algeria
  8. Ghana
  9. Costa Rica
  10. Jamaica
  11. Serbia
  12. Croatia
  13. Ukraine
  14. Slovakia
  • Volta Outfits unlocked in Career Mode
  • New Real Trophies:
  1. Brasileirão Serie A
  2. Brazil's Cup
  3. Super Cup of Brazil
  4. FIFA Club World Cup
  5. CONCACAF Champions League
  6. Argentine League
  7. Saudi Arabia League
  8. Copa America
  • Unlock mod added
  • Added no crowd Mod
  • Mod remoce camera flashes added
  • Added CPU vs CPU mod for career mode and tournament mode
  • Added optional scoreboards
  1. Globo (Brazilian TV)
  2. SporTV/Premiere (Brazilian TV)
  3. Sky Sports TV logo made by Arethiel
  • New optional mods with graphics for 2022 and 2026 World Cups
  • Realistic Stadiums for World Cups
  • Optional mods with new currencies:
  1. Real Brasileiro
  • Completely new game menu
  • New Brazilian Referee
  • Cash prizes with real life values for new competitions
  • Added Brazilian players recently transferred to Europe (Gerson, Pepê, Metinho among others)
  • More than 15 badges added from competitions (Brasileirão, Copa del rey, DFB Pokal, UEFA Euro, Copa America, World Cup, Club World Cup, among others)
  • New custom clothes for Career Mode (shirts and windbreaks)
  • Updated rosters with around 100 most important transfers in Europe (Till July second as mentioned)
  • Real numerical kit fonts for most Brazilian clubs
  • New official numerical kit font for Brasileirão 2021
  • Minifaces for FIFA players who don't have them (Pato, Lincoln, D’alessandro, Soteldo, etc.)
  • New players added to free agents (Paulinho, Alex Teixeira, Elias, Dedé, Jucilei, etc.)
Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vLz965I0a_H8LI479IKFlAdERTi6sga9/view?usp=sharing


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Club Supporter
There is an error... Some players, especially young ones, have the wrong/changed names. I'm updating my squad manually and have noticed on Bundesliga teams. I believe there is much more. This does not take away the greatness of the MOD, I'm just reporting what I found to be different.


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The best FREE Mod/Patch for FIFA 21 in Brazil is finally out. It took a lot of time to make and a lot of effort. I hope you guys enjoy it, and as we are already the V2 that will include Brazil's Serie B, we would like the most help we can find on this forum. If you would like to help us with this HUGE project, contact Jhony16#7998 or linhares#1910 on discord. (The rosters of the mod are updated till july second)
Content V1:
  • New teams:
  1. -Cuiabá
  2. -America MG
  3. -Chapecoense
  4. -Juventude
  5. -Cruzeiro
  6. -Ponte Preta
  • Updated Brazilian Team Uniforms for Season 21/22
  • All generic licensed teams with correct names and uniforms (Juventus, Roma, Boca Juniors, River Plate, Sport Recife)
  • All Licensed National Teams
  • About 200 new scanned faces (Coaches and Players)
  • Licensed Brasileirão (real images, banners, flags, etc)
  • New balls:
  1. Nike CBF Strike
  2. Nike Ball Libertadores 2021
  3. Nike Cup America 2020 Ball
  4. Adidas EURO 2020 Ball
  5. Adidas Club World Ball 2021
  • Brasileirão career mode with all 20 teams from Serie A 2021
  • All licensed Brasileirão players
  • Licensed generic competitions
  • New minifaces for all Brasileirão players
  • New competitions:
  1. Copa do Brasil (Career Mode and Tournament Mode)
  2. Brazil Super Cup (Career Mode and Tournament Mode)
  3. CONCACAF Champions League (Career Mode)
  4. Club World (Career Mode)
  5. J.League YBC Levain Cup/CONMEBOL Sudamericana Final (Career Mode)
  • 14 new national teams added made by paul2008me:
  1. South Korea
  2. Japan
  3. Saudi Arabia
  4. Qatar
  5. Senegal
  6. Morocco
  7. Algeria
  8. Ghana
  9. Costa Rica
  10. Jamaica
  11. Serbia
  12. Croatia
  13. Ukraine
  14. Slovakia
  • Volta Outfits unlocked in Career Mode
  • New Real Trophies:
  1. Brasileirão Serie A
  2. Brazil's Cup
  3. Super Cup of Brazil
  4. FIFA Club World Cup
  5. CONCACAF Champions League
  6. Argentine League
  7. Saudi Arabia League
  8. Copa America
  • Unlock mod added
  • Added no crowd Mod
  • Mod remoce camera flashes added
  • Added CPU vs CPU mod for career mode and tournament mode
  • Added optional scoreboards
  1. Globo (Brazilian TV)
  2. SporTV/Premiere (Brazilian TV)
  3. Sky Sports TV logo made by Arethiel
  • New optional mods with graphics for 2022 and 2026 World Cups
  • Realistic Stadiums for World Cups
  • Optional mods with new currencies:
  1. Real Brasileiro
  • Completely new game menu
  • New Brazilian Referee
  • Cash prizes with real life values for new competitions
  • Added Brazilian players recently transferred to Europe (Gerson, Pepê, Metinho among others)
  • More than 15 badges added from competitions (Brasileirão, Copa del rey, DFB Pokal, UEFA Euro, Copa America, World Cup, Club World Cup, among others)
  • New custom clothes for Career Mode (shirts and windbreaks)
  • Updated rosters with around 100 most important transfers in Europe (Till July second as mentioned)
  • Real numerical kit fonts for most Brazilian clubs
  • New official numerical kit font for Brasileirão 2021
  • Minifaces for FIFA players who don't have them (Pato, Lincoln, D’alessandro, Soteldo, etc.)
  • New players added to free agents (Paulinho, Alex Teixeira, Elias, Dedé, Jucilei, etc.)
Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vLz965I0a_H8LI479IKFlAdERTi6sga9/view?usp=sharing
20 team brasil 21/22 kit update?
Is there anyone knows how to edit compdata in fifa 21?Actually I created 2teams from fut ids but it gets crashed in career mode because the compdata is not updated?can anyone tell me how to do that?