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Club Supporter
Fifa22 got little boring after putting senseless hours of playing time. In fact it got so boring that i got "angry". I got so angry that I made this whole mod by myself. Not great but "perfect" mod. This is what is in it ...

New Leauge, All Teams

Premijer Liga BiH with all 12 teams, customized team info, transfer budget, team tactics and colors. BH national team is playable in CM.

All New Graphics

Specific graphics for the Kup BiH. League specific dynamic adboards. New static adboards for league and cup. ArenaSport TV Logo

Real Players

Over five hundred new players added together with managers and all new names for scouts and future youth player regens.

English version:
Link to Mod File: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4j3sg22nc0kmask/PL_BiH_2022-23ver138.fifamod/file
Link to Squad File: https://www.mediafire.com/file/p0hw6l2iua4kncu/Squads20220728184108/file
In case you have issues downloading files without extension, Squad .rar file: https://www.mediafire.com/file/uinwz0v1rlbr9sj/Squads20220728184108.rar/file
Spanish and Latin Spanish version:


1. Download the mod file and the squad file found on this page.

2. Place the mod file in the mod manager

3. Place the squad file in settings folder of FIFA 22 in your Documents/FIFA22/settings/ folder

4. Launch the game using mod manager

5. Once you are in game, go to customize, then click on settings, then click on load squads and select PLBiH squad file.

6. Start your career

Note : The mod is compatible with the latest EA update! Aug.24.22

DISCLAIMER: This mod replaces the Austrian Bundessliga and all respective teams with BH teams incl. National Team. Austria is still in the game but just swapped the places so you can play as a player or a manager career mode with any of the Bosnian Teams whether is National League, Champions League, Europa League or Europa Conference League. I know, this part is not very realistic.

For those who would like to collaborate and maybe help develop this mod further best way to get in touch is my website. The url is on the photo or video.

IMPORTANT: If anyone is using new mod manager 1.1.1 chances are the mod want work. Here is the mod version for latest mod manager. It would make no sense to replace old file since some ppl still probably using old MM 1.1.0
If you using latest MM 1.1.1 simply download the mod file below: (squad file remains the same, no need for squad file update).
https://www.mediafire.com/file/hpm0zymci92s4vi/PL+BiH+2022-23ver147.fifamod/file (Sep.9.22)

: After EA patch youth player regen pool had reverted to original file causing a crash every time your scout were reporting back. This is now fixed until next EA patch. Reupload the mod file. (Aug.16.22)

: If you experiencing graphical glitch during press conference please reupload the mod using same link above. Glitch is fixed (Aug.03.22)
Last edited:
Fifa22 got little boring after putting senseless hours of playing time. In fact it got so boring that i got "angry". I got so angry that I made this whole mod by myself. Not great but "perfect" mod. This is what is in it ...

New Leauge, All Teams

Premijer Liga BiH with all 12 teams, customized team info, transfer budget, team tactics and colors. BH national team is playable in CM.

All New Graphics

Specific graphics for the Kup BiH. League specific dynamic adboards. New static adboards for league and cup. ArenaSport TV Logo

Real Players

Over five hundred new players added together with managers and all new names for scouts and future youth player regens.

Link to Mod File: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4j3sg22nc0kmask/PL_BiH_2022-23ver138.fifamod/file
Link to Squad File: https://www.mediafire.com/file/p0hw6l2iua4kncu/Squads20220728184108/file
In case you have issues downloading files without extension, Squad .rar file: https://www.mediafire.com/file/uinwz0v1rlbr9sj/Squads20220728184108.rar/file


1. Download the mod file and the squad file found on this page.

2. Place the mod file in the mod manager

3. Place the squad file in settings folder of FIFA 22 in your Documents/FIFA22/settings/ folder

4. Launch the game using mod manager

5. Once you are in game, go to customize, then click on settings, then click on load squads and select PLBiH squad file.

6. Start your career

Note : The mod is compatible with the latest EA update!

DISCLAIMER: This mod replaces the Austrian Bundessliga and all respective teams with BH teams incl. National Team. Austria is still in the game but just swapped the places so you can play as a player or a manager career mode with any of the Bosnian Teams whether is National League, Champions League, Europa League or Europa Conference League. I know, this part is not very realistic.

For those who would like to collaborate and maybe help develop this mod further best way to get in touch is my website. The url is on the photo or video.
Hello friend, how possible is it that you add compatibility to the Latin Spanish language? i want to play the full bosnian league in my native language without problem, eternally grateful if you can


Club Supporter
hi is it possible for you to tell me hoe to mod like that or could you do another league like the second division in poland
I'd be happy to tell you all you need to know but adding 2nd Polish League means replacing a league that already has 1st and 2 division in the vanilla game. Not many options, lots of work, but possible.
Hello friend, how possible is it that you add compatibility to the Latin Spanish language? i want to play the full bosnian league in my native language without problem, eternally grateful if you can
That's a great idea I haven't considered. Will work on that but considering I don't speak Spanish it might be a challenge.


Senior Squad
Reminds me on FIFA 15/16 when there was also a bosnia league mod.
Great work so far what I saw in the video. Bonisa(?) rap also sounds nice haha
Is there any chance of adding 1.HNL or making this into like a balkan / ex yugo league?

Greetings from Slavonija <3


Club Supporter
Great work bro, hopefully my work on FK Sarajevo inspired you. If you need any help, you can always dm me.

On meni nema Bosne
Heloo bro, can i help you.. ??
Good to see there is more ppl from the "Kingdom" on this site. Thank you both for checking out the mod. I am looking forward to FIFA23 and already making plans for next release. It would be kool to work with you all, too much work for one dude anyway.


Club Supporter
Awesome. Do you plan on doing this for FIFA 14?
Can't say i have it planned, no. xD
Is there any chance of adding 1.HNL or making this into like a balkan / ex yugo league?

Greetings from Slavonija <3
any chance for macedonia league? love it!
hello can you do Serbian Super League? or just to upload a video on youtube how to make mods like this so i can make one for SLS on my own
all great ideas, I'd be happy to share all I know and contribute with enough ppl helping. Actually discord sounds like a good place to start.

First of all as FK Sarajevo supporter i need to thank you for this mod.

Just a quick question?
After the update on fifa 22 the mod is outdated any solution ?


Club Supporter
Hi, can you please tell me how to do a mod that brings back old team versions. For example Liverpool 2008 team
Yes you can follow tutorial I'm putting together for creating your own league but of course covers creating custom teams. Along the way if you require any help you can contact me. The tutorial can be found on youtube, discord or on my site.

First of all as FK Sarajevo supporter i need to thank you for this mod.

Just a quick question?
After the update on fifa 22 the mod is outdated any solution ?
Thanks for checking out the mod. Great that you brought this to my attention. Since im working on these tutorials I haven't played the game last few days. The mod is up to date now. Simply reupload the mod again. It would be better to completely delete old mod rather then overwriting old (mod) file.

The squad file does not need updating, only mod file.
Thank you very much. Il be sure to check it out later today and hopefully benefit from it. Il be sure to contact you if i need anything. Thank you once again
My friend congratulations on the Mod. It's great to be able to play leagues that are unfortunately not present in FIFA.

I would like to know if you are available to add new Leagues (also of great quality) like Croatia or Serbia, for example?

Thank you for your dedication!


Club Supporter
My friend congratulations on the Mod. It's great to be able to play leagues that are unfortunately not present in FIFA.

I would like to know if you are available to add new Leagues (also of great quality) like Croatia or Serbia, for example?

Thank you for your dedication!
Thanks for the feedback my friend.

I can totally see my self working on a big project like that. To be honest I'm still contemplating considering the time involved but I have thought about expanding with, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian leagues.

That's where I am atm
Thanks for the feedback my friend.

I can totally see my self working on a big project like that. To be honest I'm still contemplating considering the time involved but I have thought about expanding with, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian leagues.

That's where I am atm
brother, if you could add compatibility to Latin Spanish? I long to play your great mod, in a good way