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bizzybg's 15 To 14 Face Conversions


Senior Squad
JohanCruyff;3867590 said:
Yeap..I install the pack again and the problem remains...(I deleted all files before, just in case)... A big head.

Other players have the same problem...¿Maybe CM15 have something to do? I don't know. I just copy the files directly in the folders, not vía CM15.

at this prev model look ok. Do you use any body modifications? what mods do you use? check folder body.
bthw, make in-game screenshot and show what do you mean "big head"


Youth Team
I use MW patch (that uses official FIFA data), it's working well, never had a problem apart of this. In my "body" folder there's just tatoo's file i think, nothing suspicious.
In game

And the player data just in case.

Never touch anything of the body, in any player. The problem with big heads start when i istall this 16 to 14 faces.
This is not a complain, mates, I really apreciatte your work.


Reserve Team
JohanCruyff;3867614 said:
I use MW patch (that uses official FIFA data), it's working well, never had a problem apart of this. In my "body" folder there's just tatoo's file i think, nothing suspicious.
In game

And the player data just in case.

Never touch anything of the body, in any player. The problem with big heads start when i istall this 16 to 14 faces.
This is not a complain, mates, I really apreciatte your work.
Most of the heads look bigger, because the bodies are from past Fifa versions, Isgrove is 170 in Fifa 14 as we can see on your picture from CM, but in real life he is 178, if you change his height the head will look more natural.


Youth Team
Boss Why you didnt include former players like duricic & ellia, and from WBA ideye & baird not also included.... and something wrong with nabi's body when I import hes head...


Youth Team
bizzybg;3867629 said:
Most of the heads look bigger, because the bodies are from past Fifa versions, Isgrove is 170 in Fifa 14 as we can see on your picture from CM, but in real life he is 178, if you change his height the head will look more natural.

Ok, now I understand...Thanks mate!


Youth Team
Thanks Grafsky...I like that patch, it has many teams that are not in the game, and the weird argentinean league with 30 teams (yes, 30...)

Yes, the problem is in the body data, i didn't realize that.


Reserve Team
Hey guys, I am working on my own forum right now, because I'm tired of this one. No one is moderating the Fifa 14 forum, so I haven't got any nerves to deal with anyone that isn't following the rules... I'm going to release my conversions on my forum from now on. You can visit it by clicking on my signature (Bayern signature under my post) Registration is required. It will be 100% done is some days.


Youth Team
Good idea mate...I'm already registered....Please, keep comin' here to announce new works (not for download or discus, justo to get everyone noticed)..Good luck! see u there.


Reserve Team

I just found a way to convert Fifa 16 PC Faces to Fifa 14
I just managed to convert Anthony Martial by AmaroWaade and it worked :O

I will soon post tutorial on my forum, you can visit it by clicking on my signature (Bayern munchen signature)​