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Attention south american SGers...


Sir Calumn

Your favourite drunken englishman will be gracing your continent this summer/winter for two months and would appreciate any suggestions/advise you can give him.

I am flying into Lima, Peru, plan to go up into Ecuador/Columbia then fly/take bus down to santiago to stay with a friend for a bit, then over to argentina (and possibly uruguay), back to santiago then up to bolivia and finally back to peru for a proper look at macchu picchu and the inca trail.


I know it's winter for you guys, but how cold/wet/dark will it actually be?

I have $2000, is that enough to get by on? I'm told that in most countries it's possible to get by on $15 a day, but I wont know all the local bargains and my drug/alcohol/cigarette consumption is well above average. Even so $2000 gives me $250 a week which is considerably more, and accommodation will be free while i'm in santiago, so I should be ok, right?

Cocaine - is it easy to come by in south america, is it cheap, and is it worth doing at all or are the laws/penalties too severe?

Havana cigars - can I pick them up cheap around south america?

Also ANY advise you could give, recommended things to do, places to stay, places to eat etc you can give would be much appreciated
Sounds fun man. It might be hard to get drugs, I'm not sure on that tho (yes I know Cocaine is huge in Columbia but I think it's more for export, not for the locals).

Sir Calumn

Not really, in fact I havent been outside Europe in over a year (spent a long time truffle hunting in Italy last summer but since then it's only been the odd week here and there) - been short on cash and busy with university. In fact my life has been very uneventful - started writing a novel but got half way through and decided it was ****, so havent continued, made some short films but dont really like them, started several plays but havent finished a single one, in love with a girl in america who I never see, currently seeing a girl in britain who i'm not at all in love with, quit marijuana (13 months now) but drinking more than ever before, scraping firsts at university because I couldnt be bothered to do a single minute of revision for my exams but getting really interested in ancient history and spend a lot of my time studying that (shame it's nothing to do with my degree), had a great part time job in a second hand bookshop where I got paid to do literally nothing but sit around smoking cigarettes and getting drunk with the boss all day every day, but managed to lose it after we had a big argument over scottish nationalism......... so up and down, I guess you could say. One more year of university and I'm out into the real world, and that prospect scares me absolutely ****less.

ShiftyPowers;2880969 said:
It isn't cheap, but how the **** are you going to South America and avoiding Brazil?
I made the decision to leave Brazil out because it's such an enormous, diverse and interesting place that two months there alone would barely be enough - I want to have time to properly explore the other countries, if I included Brazil I wouldnt get as much time in Peru, Bolivia etc and would probably get less out of the whole trip by trying to do too much. Some time in the future I will make up for the descrepancy and come back to spend a month or two in Brazil alone. Because of the size and different language Brazil seems like the natural choice to 'skip' on this occasion.
Sir Sir_Didier_Drogba;2880990 said:
had a great part time job in a second hand bookshop where I got paid to do literally nothing but sit around smoking cigarettes and getting drunk with the boss all day every day, but managed to lose it after we had a big argument over scottish nationalism.........

Thats epic man. Yeah I finished my schooling and am starting a full time job... time for the real world indeed. I'm starting it in 2 months so I might get to see the whole WC if I stop going to my PT job (H).

If you've had so much time off why no SG brosef?

Sir Calumn

Haven't had internet in my flat for the last year, might be getting it next year though so you may see more of me. Also I may send dispatches from south america if I can be arsed...


Make America Great Again
In Peru all I know is that you should proudly announce your sympathy for Sendero Luminoso, and express regret that it is not a powerful force anymore.


Unreliable deceiver
Staff member
ShiftyPowers;2881052 said:
In Peru all I know is that you should proudly announce your sympathy for Sendero Luminoso, and express regret that it is not a powerful force anymore.

(H) as well as one's extreme dislike for Fujimori :P


Fan Favourite
::shinji::;2880976 said:
I think chewing coca leaves is still legal in Bolivia

True, my father was there and told me about it. They use it especially up in the mountains for better ability to get oxygen.


Senior Squad
While in Peru, apart from Macchu Picchu, there is tons to do.

I suggest you go to Arequipa...my favourite city in Peru. It has the feel of a city whilst keeping a small town charm. Very interesting place with lots of art/museum stuff.

When you are in Cusco, do goto a small town named Ollantaytambo. It has some ruins there which you would like ( do this before going to Macchu Picchu ). And stay at a hostel named KBs while in Ollantaytambo.

In Peru, you will get Mate de Coca easily on any tourist friendly street.

Oh and take the earliest train ( think its around 5 am ) to Macchu Picchu from Cusco. Seeing the ruins while the sun is rising is stunning.

Finally, if you are heading to Argentina, go to the south. The southermost town in the world is there and you will have a blast seeing the glaciers and hot women.

I can understand you skipping Brazil, but keep in mind Argentina isn't small. And fly with LAN airlines, they have good fares and can take you anywhere in the continent. Your biggest cost would be travelling between the countries. Hostels are dirt cheap but do take a tour before staying in them.

And learn some Spanish.

Sir Calumn

that's helpful stuff, thanks goalmachine.

arequipa, cusco etc are all south of lima, in your opinion is it worth spending time north of lima at all? I will probably go up to ecuador but could either take direct route or stop off if you think its worth it? Also should I spend much time in lima itself?

Finally, what's peru like re altitude sickness. I heard you shouldnt drink alcohol at high altitudes but this is impossible for me, will it make me really sick?


Make America Great Again
Sir Sir_Didier_Drogba;2882610 said:
that's helpful stuff, thanks goalmachine.

arequipa, cusco etc are all south of lima, in your opinion is it worth spending time north of lima at all? I will probably go up to ecuador but could either take direct route or stop off if you think its worth it? Also should I spend much time in lima itself?

Finally, what's peru like re altitude sickness. I heard you shouldnt drink alcohol at high altitudes but this is impossible for me, will it make me really sick?

Your blood carries less oxygen at high altitudes, so mixed with a high BAC I'm sure you'll get very drunk very fast. Probably the equivalent of getting drunk after donating a pint of blood (which I've done and it was safe).


Senior Squad
Sir Sir_Didier_Drogba;2882610 said:
that's helpful stuff, thanks goalmachine.

arequipa, cusco etc are all south of lima, in your opinion is it worth spending time north of lima at all? I will probably go up to ecuador but could either take direct route or stop off if you think its worth it? Also should I spend much time in lima itself?

Finally, what's peru like re altitude sickness. I heard you shouldnt drink alcohol at high altitudes but this is impossible for me, will it make me really sick?

Yeah, Lima is great too if you are fond of big cities. I had a blast playing football on the beach with some local lads. The city's downtown area, Miraflores, is well worth spending time at. Atleast spend 2 days there. It will be a good change from small towns. Although, I must say I enjoyed playing football with little kids in Ollyantaytambo more. :innocent_smile_1:

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to travel much when I visited South America. Could only 'do' Peru, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil cos lets face it, 3 weeks is not enough so don't know anything north of Lima. :redface:

I didn't have more than a pint a day while on my travel to be safe, and wasn't affected much apart from couple of hours of slight headaches at high altitudes. My advice would be drink lots of water and eat fruits on your travel. Avoid eating too much at weird tiny 'cafes'.

Another advice, don't act like too much of a tourist. There are some shady areas in every country so know your area's map before going somewhere in the suburbs at night for example. Know your way out before going in.

Have fun dude.

Kibe Kru

Starting XI
I don't know S. America as much as I'd like to, but when you get to visit Brazil, I could give you some advice on where to go and what to do, depending on the cities you'll be visiting.