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Artmoney Cheat


Fan Favourite
i mean its so fun to buy every player under the sun and win everything in your first season...


That Nice Guy
cant you do the same with Jpee's editor that you can find in the downloads thread? Also some people get pissed off with MCFM because of its need for the Microsoft Framework thing.

Just thought id say.



Fan Favourite
Meh, Framework is useful to have anyway (doesnt it come with the service pack or through the regular updates?)


That Nice Guy
listen, all i know is everytime i try and install MCFM it always asks for me to install .NET framework thing, and i can never be assed.



Fan Favourite
quote from microsoft: "The .NET Framework is a development and execution environment that allows different programming languages & libraries to work together seamlessly to create Windows-based applications that are easier to build, manage, deploy, and integrate with other networked systems."

MCFM was build on top of this, so it needs it to run.


Fan Favourite
I know that as well, took me 45 minutes (on 8 Mbps cable) to download it and it's own SP1 for my dad's pc earlier this week, plus installation is over an hour. (:/)

Microsoft needs more servers.

The Kop Kid

Senior Squad
was around 100 megs last time I tried. JPEE is far less hassle and you don't even have to start a new game to see the effects.


Fan Favourite
Yeah, basicaly its new development tools by microcrap. And that 20meg file sounds about rite. Ruud are you sure you werent trying to download something else like... visual studio .net?