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And the winner of the Award.............



Ow just shut up, your name makes me clear you dont know **** about football, the gameplay of Uefa Challenge is far better then Fifa's, and also better than CL98-99, that game wasn't even as good as fifa 2000 I thought.

And one advice, change your name, it smells like ****.

[ 06-23-2001: Message edited by: Teletoonder ]


Quite funny.... Richard Witschge with 'bench player' under his name... :p


Club Supporter
Ummm hello?
You're hassling the guy about his NAME?
What does that tell us about the validity of your opinions.

I think his comments are close to spot on.
UC is NOT the best game around, far from it.

As I said when it came out, it has the POTENTIAL to be the best ever, but unfortunately falls far short.

Gameplay is slow and unresponsive.
Player control is the main culprit, being slow and unreliable.

At least fifa's player control is alot smoother with more accurate control, even tho the game feels scripted. But in the end, UC is also scripted, so they're the same there anyway.

In the end, Fifa has a longer playing lifespan than UC, as UC gets boring and more frustrating alot sooner.

Oh. And in case you dont have anything smart to say, just hassle me for my name too :)

Richard Witschge

And the winner of the Award.............

for best Fifa2001 look-a-like goes to
.......Uefa Challenge....!!!!!!!
We want GAMEPLAY :mad: !!!!!
We don't want a game with more than 6 buttons
to control the players.
We don't need those fancy graphics, gameplay first !!!
Take a good look at Uefa Champions League 1998-1999. It may not look that good, but it's realistic, it's far more difficult than
Fifa or Uefa Challenge. I know it's old,
i know it's only Champions League, but
if you score a goal, you don't get a deja vu, like in Fifa and Uefa Challenge.
I'll guess soccergames will never become
good simulations, they're all arcade.
For the guys who made Uefa Challenge :
I hope you understand that i'm not very
impressed with your game, but i really hope
that you will sell alot copies because, altough i don't think your game is good,
it's 50% better than Fifa.
I'm going ofline now, to play
Uefa Champions League 1998-1999
By the way, Uefa CL 1999-2000 sucks !!!


I almost agree Req, I think the main problem with UC is the weird ball physics. It could be me but it looks like the ball doesn't lose speed when it travels through the air. Also the gravity doesn't feel right, it's like playing on the moon sometimes (although I've never tried that...)

Sigh... if only we could have the gameplay of ISS, the graphics of UC, the sound of Fifa2001 and the player database and management of CM together........ ;)


I play UC every day, didn't get bored or frustrated at all, dumped Fifa right away when I playde ONE match with UC. I know its not ISS, but it comes far closer to real life Football than every othert game on PC.