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AFTER ALL is the game worth buying?



answer to my question?why does the warez version of uefa challege stucks after goals?is the game worth buying? :eek: :rolleyes: :cool: :p :confused:


Reserve Team
This is MUCH better than FIFA 2001 at the moment. It is currently my favorite PC soccer game.



Club Supporter
It could be.
Depends on what sort of lifespan you expect of the game.

For me, the answer is NO. The playability is such that you could only play the game for a couple of months before you either get bored of it or so frustrated you throw it away.

Fifa series are still more playable with greater longevity.

If you only want it to play for a couple of months here and there, definitely. It sure is alot of fun in begin, and is certainly different from other games out there. But again, the fun factor loses out quickly to the frustration factor.

Matt Parkins

Don't listen to any negative comments, just go out and buy the game cos it's great*! Should be out on the Ps2 soon too !

(* = this is of course a completely unbiased opinion you understand)

Edward_ Black

Yes, i would say, buy it, i have no regrets about buying it and now there is a patch to apply to the game, it plays ok .. Ned

Richard Witschge

It wouldn't buy it if i was you.

It ain't worth the money.


Reserve Team
dont listen to anybody who tells you what to listen to :D

to answer ur original question - it depends on what your after in a futbol (soccer) game.

If ur after the best arcade-style (lots of action, not huge amounts of thought required)
the Uefa Challenge is the best out there and you shud buy it.

If your after a futbol simulation experience (You dont depend on what the game can and can't do, You must think Futbol to do well) - Then International Superstar Soccer Pro Evolution 1&2 is easily the best and u shud buy that.
It is a PSX game , however, as many of us know, it is playable on ur PC (which greatly enhances the graphics if ya have FSAA or can bump up the resolution) using an emulator called ePSXe (available for free from www.psxemu.com)

but if ya got heaps of cash get both :D but as i said,wat u end up playing will reflect what ur after in a futbol game.


Steve Camber

UEFA Challenge is the best footy game available today. Buy it.

The PS2 version will be available on the 29th June, so look out for that. It totally kicks ass.

(another completely unbiased opinion)

Matt Parkins

Yeah, I've heard that too! Lets take a look at some of the comments that the PS2 version has collected so far:

"Simply the best PS2 game created by man or beast" Andrew Chapman

"Quite probably the first PS2 killer game" Matt Parkins

"UEFA Challenge is the best footy game available today. Buy it... It totally kicks ass" Steve Camber

"It's probably the best motion capture I've ever seen in any game" Phil Hanks

"Sarnies - orders by 10 please" Neil Biggin
Grrr maybe i should buy a ps2. Been waiting to buy an XBOX.
Are you or infogrames going to make games on the XBOX?
I have iss for ps1.. and it gets boring playing after playing the winning eleven series and iss for so many years. Konami will be making a soccer game for xbox too :)
Xbox does look very promising unless Konami decides to make WE and ISS series on pc.


Club Supporter
Sorry but I had this game for a week and then returned it. Maybe i had high expectations because of iss evo 2 but this game did not reall y do anything for me.
It was very bug ridden and it took me hours to install it. The game itself just didnt feel right , dont get me wrong there are some nice touches but generally the game stunk. If i had a choice i would raher play fifa 2001 on my pc than this and i dont rate the fifa series very highly any more!

Just my opinion but I do try to play every footy game that is released on all systems so i hope my views are justified!


I think not.The game support is terible.
There is even no official website.The only
patch is not good enough.
About the game:Shooting is very poor.
Heading for me is a big mystery.
Tackling isn't very good.
Passing is alright.
The players are very small.
There is no real challenge.