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2018 FIFA World Cup Russia Patch - FIFA16,18 or Official Game

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I want to upload the fifa_ng_db.db files.I spent nearly two months by using CM16 to adjust almost 60% national teams' squad, which increasing 23 players to 39. All the players I added had played in the 2018 world cup qualificaion games.

As time goes by,the national team which has only 23 players will be very very diffucult during the whole qualification games,such as yellow or red cards, or being injured.
I wish it will be helpful.
But I failed to upload because the file is too big, How can I fix the problem?

Thanks to your great job again!
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One is with 2018 rosters taken from the FIfA 18 DLC & Squad updates; the other has 2021 rosters for the UEFA & CONMEBOL continental national team tournaments that took place last year. The 2021 patch has the kitoverlay crash bug fixed for WWC 2019.
Maybe an idea could be to add WC 2018 as an option in the tournament switcher?


Unreliable deceiver
Staff member
Maybe an idea could be to add WC 2018 as an option in the tournament switcher?
I think the RTWC 2018 is still a leftover in the 2021 patch, because the 2022 tournament setup is not full established. We will have to wait until the 2022 Final Draw is made after the Intercontinental playoffs are decided in June/July.
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