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  1. L

    Extra leagues colection

    I decided to make: Antigua and Barbuda premier division** Mozambican Premier Division* Aruban Division di Honor** Libyan First Division* Iraqi Premier League Bahrain Premier League - done* Egyptian Premier League - done Korea DPR Premier League - done Korea DPR First League - done* Korea DPR...
  2. L

    North Korean Premier and National leagues cmp [24/25]

    I decided to make north korean leagues in fifa 16 download link - https://sharemods.com/2p6584ynsmr5/Korea_DPR.cmp.html
  3. A

    Help with leagues please

    Hi everybody, I'm still modding on Fifa 22. First i replaced some existing leagues but i reached a point that i don't have other leagues to replace so i decided to learn how to add leagues. I followed some tutorials from a Fifa modder and i created my leagues + new teams. But when i go to...
  4. G

    Second Division Netherlands MOD (Keuken Kampioen Divisie)

    Hi Guys, I'm currently busy modding EAFC 24 so I can add the Keuken Kampioen divisie to the game. However, I am running into a few problems that I could use some help with to make this mod work as realistically as possible. If you have experience with modding and think you can help me with a few...
  5. A

    Help with compdata - League with more divisions/groups

    Can anyone look and help with my compdata ? I work on Slovakian lower leagues but i didn´t know what is wrong : 1596,2,SVK1,NationName_43,57 ... 1629,3,C332,TrophyName_Abbr15_332,1596 1630,4,S1,FCE_Setup_Stage,1629 1631,5,G1, ,1630 1632,4,S2,FCE_League_Stage,1629 1633,5,G1,FCE_Group_West,1632...
  6. A

    Albanian League on Fc 24

    Can Someone pls implement the Albanian championship on fc 24 please PS: I wanted to write in an already open treadh but I don't know how to do it, sorry
  7. Z

    Czech league

    Can enyone please create czech league if enyone does I will love to play it
  8. SkyMonchon

    Afghanistan Premier League & Afghanistan National Football Team [French/English/Arabic Support]

    Asalam Aleykum for all my brothers ! Today, for the end of the year I made a little supprise ! :) The Afghanistan Premier League (2020-2021), or football league if you want, and the Afghanistan Football Team (2023) ! I'm gonna realised the mod soon, so don't be impatient ! FREE AFGHANISTAN ...
  9. D

    Help with adding a new league

    Hi, I want to add a new league to fifa and am facing problems with compdata. when I try to start a career it starts loading and the game crashes. Help me fix this. I will add screenshots of the compdata here, perhaps you will see an error in them and help me fix it.
  10. SkyMonchon

    North Korea Football League & North Korea National Football Team [French & English support only ]

    Hi it’s me again! This time I will create the North Korean league on fifa 22;) Unfortunately, as it is a "somewhat" closed country, many players are unknown and will have the first and last name "unknown". The mod is finish ;) there will be (maybe) some patch in the futur (I don't think so) ----...
  11. OnePoleLeft

    Help needed making the Canadian Premier League (cancelled)

  12. F

    FIFA 23 Hawaiian Premier Division Mod

    FIFA 23 Hawaiian Premier Division Mod Hey Guys, for some time now me and some buddies had the idea to make an own league for FIFA 23 out of our home state Hawai'i, because (due to lack of representation in real professional soccer), Hawai'i is of course not integrated in FIFA in any way so far...
  13. B

    HELP WANTED creating a league FIFA 22

    Hey everyone I am wanting to create my own fantasy league but it’s way too much work and I don’t have much time on my hands. If I could have anyone to help or make it for me that would be great and I’d extremely appreciate it. I would send you each team’s: details, players, how good they should...
  14. G

    How would I go about adding a new league?

    Title says it all. I was wondering since I am planning to add various Asian leagues to the game. I currently have the Korean Second Division's kits finished, but I have no idea how to add leagues without first deleting an existing one with functioning promotion/relegation systems. Any help would...
  15. Kalenderadam

    How Can I Build My Own Team?

    Hello How can I create my own team in the game? What is the final point in making patches in the game?
  16. Derbyoflove

    Austrian Lower League Fantasy

    Hi Everyone, I am new to modding and the forum. The last few months I was working on something maybe worth to share. Most of the work was done with CM16. Created a fictional second league for Austria with 12 (existing) Teams. The selection was based on friends requests. Following teams are...
  17. ILNUR127

    League transition

    I created two leagues. How to make, that from the first league 2 teams took off, and from the second league 2 teams passed to the first league?
  18. F


  19. L

    Manager/Owner League

    Probably sounds odd to most, but I've used the FIFA franchise to run a manager/owner league for a number of years now. The set-up is simple; you buy players via auction each summer and winter to create a team. Once the team is complete, you submit a team-sheet and our league uses the FIFA game...
  20. Andrei0401

    Romanian League Create Help!

    Hello!I have a question!I make Romanian League(I replaced the Danish league) but I don't know how to change in the Competition section at 4 characters name in ROMA and I make 26 legs in CG FIle Explorer but in game I have only 23!How to create a league in CG File Explorer without error?(With...