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  1. A

    Europa League knockouts bug, please help.

    I'm playing in League one manager career mode, and I wanted to see UEFA winners. Only for champions league, the knockout stages has been played and the winner was Liverpool. But in Europa League and conference league, none of the knockout stage games has taken place. I'm now in the month of June...
  2. C

    HELP Wayward shots

    Posted in reddit too, but no help. I tried playing UEFA24 yesterday and noticed the shots are going wayward. Anyone else experienced this? If not, any other suggestions to look for before I restore my game? i have two working controllers that are playing all other games perfectly. This is the...
  3. N

    The game keeps crashing

    Hey! I keep having a strange problem with FIFA 14 on PS3. The thing happens in both tournament mode and manager mode. It looks like this: I'm playing a game against some team. At a random moment, after some interruption in the game (usually after a goal but not only) the commentators stop...
  4. C

    HELP Very weird visual glitch in-game

    Hi everyone, I just got a new pc and for some reason, for a split second it's happening this weird visual glitch in game. Does someone know how to resolve it?? I got a Nvidia 1070 with a CPU i5-13400F 2.50 GHz
  5. Clueless Donkey

    [SOLVED] Scoreboard Timer Glitch

    When I am playing a match in FIFA 16 on PC the 4th official will hold up the board showing additional minutes way before the 45th/90th minute, and the game will often end before I even get to 90 minutes. Also the player bars at the bottom seem to just show a random player for some reason. ---...