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fifa infinity patch

  1. Harry BullZak

    How to... Create wipe3d files for FIFA 14

    wipe3d editing guide A commonly requested feature for FIP14 is the addition of updated wipe3d files. Below I will try to explain how to make them. wipe3d updates are low on my priority list, so if you want them, try the guide below. You will need: Jenkey FIFA File Explorer 2014 Image editing...
  2. Harry BullZak

    Request for help - GK Gloves

    Goalkeeper gloves have been massively ignored over the past few years. Is there anyone on here who can remap images in blender? I'm looking to get some updated GK gloves for use primarily in FIP14, but if a person is willing to do it also for FIFA 16 models, I can create a GKglove megapack for...
  3. Harry BullZak

    FIFA Infinity Patch 14 v7 (Official HBZ 23/24 Edition)

    FIP14 v7 (23/24 Edition) - v7.30 UPDATE 13.06.2024 v7.30 CHANGELOG - LATEST RELEASE 13.06.2024 - Updated balls - Updated tournament logos - Updated banners - Updated wip3d - New miniheads HBZ Career Mod v4.20 - Improved transfer values (mostly decreased) - Improved wage values (mostly...
  4. Davi360

    Blank Player Names in Fifa 14

    First of all you want to apologize if there is a similar topic, but I haven't found it. I have FIFA 14 with the Mod Infinity Patch. I am Brazilian and wanted to play the updated Brazilian Championship 2020, but in this case the mod was not very well updated. So I used CM 14 and updated...
  5. NaFeR

    FIFA Infinity Patch 20

    FIFA Infinity Patch 20 (v.2.2) The second version of the most complete patch for FIFA 20 is available now! If you're looking for a patch with everything licensed (not just graphic stuff), 100% realistic rosters for Brasileirao, new leagues like the Russian Premier League and the Czech Fortuna...
  6. NaFeR

    FIFA Infinity Patch 19

    FIFA Infinity Patch 19 (v.2.2) Today we are happy to announce the release of our first mod for FIFA 19, FIFA Infinity Patch 19 or FIP 19. Here’s the rundown of features that you will be able to enjoy: Features: - Brasileirao fully updated, with real rosters and missing teams added...
  7. NaFeR

    FIFA Infinity Patch 18

    FIFA Infinity Patch 18 (v.5.1) Today we are happy to announce the release of our first mod for FIFA 18, FIFA Infinity Patch 18 or FIP 18. The fifth and definitive version of the patch will fix many issues of the default FIFA 18 game and will update the rosters to 2018/19 season. It will also...