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  1. SkyMonchon

    HELP EAFC 25 Crash after replacing players from a team

    When I add players on my squad file, editing them (name, face,...) and import them in a team, replacing old players, my game just crash when I try to check the same team tactics. Of course I already try reset and updating my squad file, but still crashing unfornutly. Old Fifa games was easy to mod.
  2. Bozif

    FIFA 22 crashes when starting a new career

    Right as soon as it shows the "Ready to Shine?" message it crashes. Please help. FIFA 22 on PC with slightly-modded squads
  3. N

    The game keeps crashing

    Hey! I keep having a strange problem with FIFA 14 on PS3. The thing happens in both tournament mode and manager mode. It looks like this: I'm playing a game against some team. At a random moment, after some interruption in the game (usually after a goal but not only) the commentators stop...
  4. M

    FIP14 Crash

    Hello, I have a problem with fip 14, when I created a lower Polish league myself and wanted to start a tournament, the game crashed. Someone might be able to help me?
  5. A

    Fifa 22 crashes

    Hi everyone ! If you don't know, i'm modding the French division from the 3rd to the 6th. Everything is perfect, works etc... EXCEPT 1 thing : players. I already created 1300+ players for the 60 teams that i edited so the mod is finished but when i simulate some seasons the game can crash. I...
  6. SkyMonchon

    Squad file make career mode crash

    hello, I noticed that it's last time that my manager or player career mode crashed after launching a new game. I looked everywhere where the problem came from and I found it, it comes from the squad file apparently it would be much too big for the career mode, so I tried with a blank squad file...
  7. Klimentt

    relegated after second season

    Guys, hello! please, help. crash after the first season in his career for a teen and a player. relegated from any league
  8. S

    Game Crashes when selecting your Squad (added National Teams)

    Anybody have a clue how to deal with crashes like this? I added some national teams (lets say Albania and Cyprus). The game crashes if one of the following things happen: - I select one of the new teams in "edit national team squads" in the menue and try to replace a player with another...
  9. N

    FIFA16 db convert for FIFA14

    Hello everyone, i'm finally can convert FIFA16 db to FIFA14. I run it with creation master 15 and i didn't found any error for now. I can login to FIFA14 and no error after selecting language. I can login to main menu and choose exhibition/friendly match I can choose any teams and go to...
  10. Forlan10

    Nothing's working anymore?!?

    OK, so I decided to use my mods on a fresh FIFA install. I did everything I could not to screw anything up, readded in each of my .CMPs, restructured the competitions to fit everything, regenerated everything at the end. Now, when I get into the game, Kick-Off works fine... BUT NOTHING ELSE...
  11. A

    Fifa 10 crashes right before match every time

    Hi everyone, I recently installed Fifa 10 on my windows 10 pc but it crashes right before the match loads up. I have tried running it using windows XP/7/8 etc... compatibility but the issue still remains. I can go through the menu's fine and I have tried using it at high and low resolutions...
  12. T

    Career mode crashes on 2020

    I found the same problem months ago but i cant refind again. Any help?