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  1. A

    Searching for answers

    Hi, I'm actually modding Fifa 22 and i would have some answers to my questions about modding. I already finished a mod and it works pretty well but i had the idea of modifiying the match rating system. I usually play a Play as a player career in order to start to a bottom league (like french...
  2. G

    Copying My Player to My Career

    Is it possible to ADD My Player to My manager Career or replacing any current player with My Player? And if so, how to do it? I still need to check Live editor to see if that is possible, but i was thinking is it possible to do so via Cheat Engine?? Thanks.
  3. H

    career 5+ subs and enlarged bench in all competitions

    are there any real mods with 5+ subs and enlarged bench in career mode like in current time in football? i tried to make my own mods using frosty utilities by manually changing parameters in career settings files, but it not works. which way should I dig? i dont need new squads or kits...
  4. A

    Fifa 22 crashes

    Hi everyone ! If you don't know, i'm modding the French division from the 3rd to the 6th. Everything is perfect, works etc... EXCEPT 1 thing : players. I already created 1300+ players for the 60 teams that i edited so the mod is finished but when i simulate some seasons the game can crash. I...
  5. B

    My Career File ( FIFA 23 PC ) is Damaged after Title Update 13 , How do i fix it ?

    Hello guys. Please Help me. My Career File ( FIFA 23 PC ) is Broken after Title Update. This career is so important for me because im youtuber and I continued this career for several episodes and recorded a video. But now I can't open it and it gives me a " career appears to be damaged and...
  6. zanellog

    Face mods not working after tu11, how to solve?

    Hi there! After tu11 face mods are not working anymore in career mode. I tried everything: using -dataPath FIFAModData, using last Mod Manager, correct Faces ID, and more. I've used Mudryk face mod by wichanwoo for a while and Enzo Fernandez by Alief too. Don't know what to do next to solve it...
  7. R

    Please Help. How disable transfers in career mode?

    Guys, who knows, please tell me what values need to be changed in the TransfersLeagueBuckets file to permanently disable transfers in career mode?
  8. T

    Player Career Mod: Access Team Management And Edit Kit Numbers (+ Inbox Shortcut fix)

    Hi, I updated my FIFA 20 mod to FIFA21: Player Career Access Team Management And Edit Kit Numbers Adds tiles in the main hub which lets you access the team management and kit numbers in your player career + fixes the missing inbox shortcut with Y-Button Description This mod is adding a tile...
  9. Iluyan

    [Story] Feyenoord Career mode

    The New Feyenoord Fifa 21 Career mode has started! Rules/Settings Diffeculty : Legendary (AI On)Transfers : StrictScouting : I'm not looking up Potentionals or player stats on futbin or so, HOWEVER, I have a lot of information on potentionals already and I am very up to date with the 2020-2021...
  10. T

    Player Career Mods

    Hi, I'm new to modding FIFA but I dived in a little bit already and created 2 mods. Player Career Access Team Management And Edit Kit Numbers Adds a tile in the main hub which lets you access the team management and kit numbers in your player career + fixes the missing inbox shortcut with...
  11. M

    FIFA 20 Career Mode Patch by Afif

    Since i got some free time during Covid-19 Pandemic, i made this as contribution to the FIFA 20 community. I attach these files (.fbproject , .fbmod , and edited data folder ) into .zip so you can edit the way you like it. This patch compatible with March 31st update. Patch Notes: +Training...

    FIFA 19 Unlock all boots and balls!!

    Hey guys! I've figured out a way to unlock all the boots and balls in FIFA!!! Now, I've only tested this out in FIFA 19, but it should work in previous FIFA's as well! Only for PC. Now, this is really easy, and will only take a minute. There are 2 ways to do this. Download my locale.ini Copy...
  13. T

    Career mode crashes on 2020

    I found the same problem months ago but i cant refind again. Any help?
  14. T

    Problem creating new leagues on MM

    I have created new leagues on MM. When I star a career mode the game turns off. I give them new IDs (not replaced) and I have ensured to get all right.
  15. Kalenderadam

    Career File ( Diego Lugano & Fenerbaçe )

  16. paulv2k4

    Paulv2k4 FIFA18 Career Mod

    ------------------------------- THIS MOD HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED AND I WILL UNLIKELY REPLY TO ANY FUTURE POSTS. THANKS ALL. I will however leave the Git Source files there for anyone to use.! Regards. Paul ------------------------------- Hi all, This is my personal attempt of a career mode. I...