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My Career File ( FIFA 23 PC ) is Damaged after Title Update 13 , How do i fix it ?

Hello guys. Please Help me.
My Career File ( FIFA 23 PC ) is Broken after Title Update.

This career is so important for me because im youtuber and I continued this career for several episodes and recorded a video. But now I can't open it and it gives me a " career appears to be damaged and cannot be used " message.

If you have any experience to solve this problem, I would appreciate it. Thank You
Try this method:

Thanks bro. but this method doesn't work for career file. Even in the comments, many people mention that it doesn't work. I also tested, after entering the career, the game crashes. But it works for the squad.

If there is another solution or if you encounter this issue, I would appreciate your help.


Senior Squad
Only "easy" solution is to use TU 12 files (Patch folder, Fifa.exe, Fifa_trial.exe) and paste them into Fifa 23 installation folder replacing new update files.

Maybe someone who have backups will share them.

Update messed up some files that affects your CM, thing is to search and try to see what's wrong, maybe they changed some ID or something like that which cause problems with compatibility.