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Stadiums by Gonzaga & BFL TEAM

Andrés Allauca

Club Supporter
[QUOTE = "gonzaga, publicación: 6556613, miembro: 64212"] Probablemente necesite restablecer la configuración de su cámara. Supongo que es la parte posterior de las letras del techo que ves allí. Uso broadcast y no tengo problemas. [/ QUOTE]

How can I reset my camera settings


Club Supporter
No, I don't have the original EA pictures. I would like to use them. If someone is able to extract them would be great.

I don't have any problems with these stadiums.

Thanks for the reply. :)
Well, I found out that they only don't work with certain teams. For others it loads fine (with stadium swapper). The strange thing is I really don't know why a certain teasm causes a crash with a certain stadium. I changed the kits, the banners, the flags etc to those of a team where the stadium loads fine. And yet, it still crashes.?? Can't be the player faces either because that certain team has only generic faces (and I checked again to make sure).
So I don't get it....


Club Supporter
Friend, I already play with them on my FIFA 14,
the problem should be how you put them in your FIFA 14 folder.
But with these stadiums links, they won't work only if you copy and paste the stadium folders that are into these links, they won't appear when you open the game;
The Bundesliga stadiums I have in the game are just the ones in the links, unfortunately there are not all as we would like, I am referring to the ones you published in this short list...

And, there is a process that must be done strictly to make it appear in your game,
and to summarize and facilitate our understanding,
it is necessary to clone any stadium that already exists in your FIFA 14 with the Creation Master 14 tool.
I created a small server with step by step, with photos and explain in more detail how you will add the new stadiums to your game.
Just go to this link below on Discord


If you are having any trouble, it's only call me on private chat!

Sorry for picking this up again in this thread but it's a question that's been on my mind for a while now. So basically, we can use Fifa 16 stadiums for Fifa 14? How so? I've tried with the Wildparkstadion for instance (Karlsruher SC) and nope, it makes Fifa 14 crash. I made sure all the files and folders are properly set and tried to implement it via Stadium Swapper as well as CM cloning. But that didn't work. It seems that the 3d files need some sort of conversion...has this been posted about before? Can somebody point me to the right direction please? Thanks!
(I know that some have posted Fifa 16 converted stadiums here but they didn't say how they did it...unfortantely it wasn't those German stadiums either :( )


I noticed that the Amex Stadium doesn´t have Stadium Preview Files, so I created them.

Put them into the game with Creation Master 14


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Kirklees Stadium Preview Images


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Youth Team
As you can see nothing's there. I won't edit this stadium just because few people are using customized camera. I would like to close this topic already. Please, stop discussing it.

Hey @gonzaga, are there any updates for Estadio Azteca from FIFA 19 switch version???... 14 is very old and with no electronic adboards...



How if install the stadiums manually?

For example, i want to replace the generics.
Use Creation Master 14... find the id of the specific generic stadium and rename the files of the stadium you want to add with the correct id number... copy the files into the corrects folders of your FIFA 14 and then regenerate with Creation Master 14


Reserve Team
Estadio Jose Zorrilla, Real Valladolid
Converted from FIFA 20 switch version. Credits to @mita996 and @The Wizard for the extraction of the files! I implemented the dressing from my previous release of Zorrilla. Also created completely new tournament dressing meshes to match with La Liga dressing meshes.
These stadium conversions will take me more time to convert, because when I use the 0.66 script I have to convert all dds textures to png and to re-apply them to every part.
Next follows Bramall Lane...

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