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SG UNITED - League choice


Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
Let's get some thoughts on what league people think we should play in this year.

Typically, we've chosen League 1 in England. Though this year do you guys think we should have a change? As we're all getting a bit older now, do we want our CAs to be higher to start with? And avoid the situation of half of us being sold on before we even reach the Premiership.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Daz, if you want to get your posts up, just ask an admin to edit your count, don't just post the same thread twice under slightly different titles. I think we should go championship or premiership, at a club with us mostly on long contracts, but give the club absolutely no money (or negative). That way it's about management skill, not just building a team with cash-we already have that in the succession game.


Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
Sorry my bad, just forgot to add the poll first time.

I like that idea, with no money and high loyalty it'll hopefully keep the squad pretty consistent.

Sir Calumn

I think you should put it in the country from which the majority of the players are from, the the sake of realism.


Fan Favourite
Like Championship or Premier League, I think. Definitely not outside England, but past experience has proven that we, as a team, are usually way too good for League One (providing for kind of a boring first season everytime). It'd be more of a challenge if we started higher up.
I think it would be fun to have it in a different country for the first time since we always go with England but I know you guys want to have high ability to picking a lesser league would make the team too dominant so I am cool with Premiership and Championship.


Red Card - Life
Life Ban
Premiership for me because I'm not gonna play this for a challenge, but to have the best team in the world with SG names and put people I don't like in the reserves.

Sir Calumn

Hahahahaha you're the one person that is DEFINITELY gonna be in Mandieta6's reserves (H)


Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
Just been looking through the applications, we've got an average age of 23. Higher than i was expecting! Starting to think maybe the Prem will be a better idea, gives the older guys a chance to really get somewhere. So Poll overriden. Prem it is.
