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Frisgon's Solid Gameplay


Youth Team
nubolt;3875290 said:
Yes default (since I havent found any advice from you ;) )

I suggest you keep default (I do). If you lower the first touch the bouncing ball goes easier to you but it also makes the game slightly easier and slightly faster paced.


Youth Team
the lastest gp is well done very good...
Against weak team surely easy..and strong team also difficult too,,
it's too real man... thanks :D

how about the lastest update from EA? is it touch the gameplay?


Youth Team
abdarafi;3875854 said:
the lastest gp is well done very good...
Against weak team surely easy..and strong team also difficult too,,
it's too real man... thanks :D

how about the lastest update from EA? is it touch the gameplay?

Thanks :cb:
I'm playing with ea patch 1.0.1. I made some tests with 1.0.2 but preferred very much previous official patch so I'm waiting for someone else to tell how it is patch 3.

pedrito79;3875863 said:
Nice work Frison really great!
PPl please give more feedback so he can fix well everything.

Thanks dude;)
Yes positive and negative feedbacks are welcomed so I can see if it works fine


Club Supporter
frisgon;3875870 said:
Thanks :cb:
I'm playing with ea patch 1.0.1. I made some tests with 1.0.2 but preferred very much previous official patch so I'm waiting for someone else to tell how it is patch 3.

Thanks dude;)
Yes positive and negative feedbacks are welcomed so I can see if it works fine

Could you upload please Fifa 1.01 ?? I patched it to 1.0.3 and trying with different cl.ini of Fidel + latest DB 4.0.0 but don't see any big changes of Ai.... they still backpassing the Ball too much and do not play Agressive -.-

-Too easy to Win against the Teams ( Ai is playing like a moron)
-Only 3 Shots on my Goal after 90 Minute match
-No Various Attacks ... only passing the Ball around and trying to get trough my Defense in the middle
-Not much Fouls on booth sides


Starting XI
Necro19;3876626 said:
they still backpassing the Ball too much
-Only 3 Shots on my Goal after 90 Minute match
Every game is 90 minutes long, that tells us nothing. What matters is how long your halves are. If you play 5-7 minute halves then 3 shots is about right. I play 15 minute halves and the CPU averages 6-7 shots per half, which is perfect. And anyone complaining about the back passing can't be taken seriously, sorry. The best damn thing about this series in the past 7 years is they FINALLY added back passing.... just like real football.
Necro19;3876626 said:
Could you upload please Fifa 1.01 ??
How is frisgon supposed to upload a whole different version of the game for you lol? You've been playing PC FIFA long enough to know to back up your files each time. Besides, it sounds like all you want is to revert back to the arcade FIFA experience of years past. Then stick with 1.03, because 1.01 plays a much more realistic simulation game (fewer shots and lots of back passing).


Youth Team
Necro19;3876626 said:
Could you upload please Fifa 1.01 ?? I patched it to 1.0.3 and trying with different cl.ini of Fidel + latest DB 4.0.0 but don't see any big changes of Ai.... they still backpassing the Ball too much and do not play Agressive -.-

-Too easy to Win against the Teams ( Ai is playing like a moron)
-Only 3 Shots on my Goal after 90 Minute match
-No Various Attacks ... only passing the Ball around and trying to get trough my Defense in the middle
-Not much Fouls on booth sides

- sure my db is installed? (v5b?)
- anyway I made it to get a better cpu defense; cpu attack not much different than default, changing too much makes the defense worst
- what do you mean using Fidel cl? not using my product?
- can't upload 1.0.1 google it, you'll find it easy. Also in this forum packed with languages
- pressing depends on the teams, but defense should be tighter.
- playing at legendary?

bangus;3876729 said:
Every game is 90 minutes long, that tells us nothing. What matters is how long your halves are. If you play 5-7 minute halves then 3 shots is about right. I play 15 minute halves and the CPU averages 6-7 shots per half, which is perfect. And anyone complaining about the back passing can't be taken seriously, sorry. The best damn thing about this series in the past 7 years is they FINALLY added back passing.... just like real football.How is frisgon supposed to upload a whole different version of the game for you lol? You've been playing PC FIFA long enough to know to back up your files each time. Besides, it sounds like all you want is to revert back to the arcade FIFA experience of years past. Then stick with 1.03, because 1.01 plays a much more realistic simulation game (fewer shots and lots of back passing).

I agree with you.


Club Supporter
frisgon;3876768 said:
- sure my db is installed? (v5b?)
- anyway I made it to get a better cpu defense; cpu attack not much different than default, changing too much makes the defense worst
- what do you mean using Fidel cl? not using my product?
- can't upload 1.0.1 google it, you'll find it easy. Also in this forum packed with languages
- pressing depends on the teams, but defense should be tighter.
- playing at legendary?

I agree with you.

Not tested so far your DB. Currently using Modding Way DB 1.01+FIFA 16 ADVANCED GAMEPLAY EVOLUTION MANAGER TOOL

Sorry guy's my latest Post shouldn't mean to be rude or Offensive against you or your Product.
My Experience only based on latest Fidel update. Just copy&paste your latest Product ini without DB ... But yeah looks like it's not 100% working without your DB.I should give that a try later to give some propper Feedback.

Btw @Bangus thank you for your nice aggressive reply, ridiculous how you justifying here (So when you like this playstyle of the Cpu , just to watch the whole Game how he pass the Ball around) < That's what i noticed every Game.
Geez... next time i don't give any Feedback or answer when i read such post


Youth Team
Necro19;3876886 said:
Not tested so far your DB. Currently using Modding Way DB 1.01+FIFA 16 ADVANCED GAMEPLAY EVOLUTION MANAGER TOOL

Sorry guy's my latest Post shouldn't mean to be rude or Offensive against you or your Product.
My Experience only based on latest Fidel update. Just copy&paste your latest Product ini without DB ... But yeah looks like it's not 100% working without your DB.I should give that a try later to give some propper Feedback.

Most of my changes are made through db editing and files for career and tournaments. The Fidel cl.ini has more variance to the cpu attack; so I think if you are looking for cpu attacking his cl is better.
With my pack defense should be better. Cpu attacking is anyway dangerous most of the time; for example last match I played right now I had 7 shots from cpu in 5 minutes and 5 good saves from my keeper.
Let me know if you try everything


No matter what a member does the gameplay will never be perfect nor will it ever
fit every member's personal style.

You have to take what is offered and play with it, in the end it is better than vanilla AI.

Frigson I feel your pain, I have been doing what you are doing for years and still can't
get what I want from the game.

As of right now I have an ini file and a modified database with an ini to go with it and still can't get that perfect balance and I have learned I never will.

Keep on working, find what you like and enjoy the fruits of your labor and never worry
what others think.


Starting XI
Necro19;3876886 said:
ridiculous how you justifying here (So when you like this playstyle of the Cpu , just to watch the whole Game how he pass the Ball around
I have watched it obviously and it's brilliant, it's the best thing EA has added to this series in close to a decade. You obviously don't like it because you play 5 minute halves or whatever. Play 15 minute halves if you want a simulation football experience, then all the CPU back passing is perfect, plays exactly like real football. Just stop blaming the game or the AI or the patch, when in fact it's the way you are choosing to play the game.


Youth Team
regularcat;3876932 said:
No matter what a member does the gameplay will never be perfect nor will it ever
fit every member's personal style.

You have to take what is offered and play with it, in the end it is better than vanilla AI.

Frigson I feel your pain, I have been doing what you are doing for years and still can't
get what I want from the game.

As of right now I have an ini file and a modified database with an ini to go with it and still can't get that perfect balance and I have learned I never will.

Keep on working, find what you like and enjoy the fruits of your labor and never worry
what others think.

Yes you can get mad trying to get the perfect balance. Right now for my own taste I find the gp decent but could be better.
Thanks for the support! I appreciate that (Y)


Youth Team
Hi guys; I just uploaded my new version for 2016-17 season compatible with modding way patch 7.6.0
Not only Gameplay and new database, I also completely re-wrote carreer files and finally found some good sliders and pad configuration for my mod
Files at top of post #1
Features, instructions, faqs, credits and comments as soon as I have a minute


Youth Team
Glad to see you! :smilex:

Are back in fashion the gameplay patch fifa 16, I am happy to see you!

If you have changed the db 7.0 of ModdingWay?

The moddingway is arrived to 9.1.2 version, maybe it' s appropriate to update the database ... ;)


Youth Team
*Supernova*;3970413 said:
The moddingway is arrived to 9.1.2 version, maybe it' s appropriate to update the database ... ;)

Yes it would be better, fact is editing all the files took me a lot of time, so I decided to focus on editing db 7.6.0 that was almost complete for season 16-17.
Now I have all the excel files ready to change the values percentage and I could do the same job for mw db 9.1.2 but still I have no time right now, so if someone is willing to help I can share my files to be inserted in the db


Club Supporter
Hi guys do you think the gp is ok?
Because yesterday I played something like 15 matches in career and the game was great: slow pace, hard to build up gameplay, cpu defending great, difficulty level very high.
Today I played career and the game was nonsense once again: cpu not defending at all, my players speeding up like crazy (in my db acceleration is set average to 15 and sprintspeed to 5.......) zero midfield gameplay. Played 5 matches then I had to quit.
I thought it was something to do with player form and morale as everybody in my team were high.
So I edited the career file for form and morale: now everybody is low; but nothing they keep playing as if they were supermen. So I tried a friendly match: same thing.
I thought I had fixed many problems but now everything is like before; even my db seems not to run; it looks like the default gameplay!!
I don't know what goes on with this game; I'm not even sure anymore is about cpu cheating/boosting my players. I think the game is broken; it looks like some kind of bug that erase the difficulty level.
It wasn't even some matches that played bad. It played bad all the time!!! While yesterday it played good all the time!
I also tried a match at world clas instead of legendary and today world class was much harder than legendary (not hard enough, still stupid but better than legendary).
Tomorrow I'll try another last couple of things but I tried almost everything and yesterday the game was nearly perfect; today it sucks... I don't know what to do about it. The guys who has tried my gp can please tell me if they find it ok or not?
buddy, fifa 16 is the weirdest game of all the series, if I start the game from the beginning with saves, I play with normal gameplay, but as soon as I edit the game through db or change the sliders in the game, it's a different game right away and which is strange for the worse, so You don't have a single oddity with this game!))


Club Supporter
yes if playing career you just have to edit these lines in the cmsettings:

[FITNESS]    // new energy recovery model - adam & simon

// 0 - 33
BASE_DAY_1_1 = 60
BASE_DAY_1_2 = 15
BASE_DAY_1_3 = 15
BASE_DAY_1_4 = 15
BASE_DAY_1_5 = 15
BASE_DAY_1_6 = 15
BASE_DAY_1_7 = 15
BASE_DAY_1_8 = 15
BASE_DAY_1_9 = 15
BASE_DAY_1_10 = 15

// 33 - 66
BASE_DAY_2_1 = 50
BASE_DAY_2_2 = 12
BASE_DAY_2_3 = 12
BASE_DAY_2_4 = 12
BASE_DAY_2_5 = 12
BASE_DAY_2_6 = 12
BASE_DAY_2_7 = 12
BASE_DAY_2_8 = 12
BASE_DAY_2_9 = 12
BASE_DAY_2_10 = 12

// 66 - 100
BASE_DAY_3_1 = 40
BASE_DAY_3_2 = 10
BASE_DAY_3_3 = 10
BASE_DAY_3_4 = 10
BASE_DAY_3_5 = 10
BASE_DAY_3_6 = 10
BASE_DAY_3_7 = 10
BASE_DAY_3_8 = 10
BASE_DAY_3_9 = 10
BASE_DAY_3_10 = 10

If you play tournaments these:

//TOURNAMENT RECOVERY DATES - same for the length of tournament

Anyway I have also reduced stamina in my db
and where is this cmsetting?


Starting XI
and where is this cmsetting?
