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DB Editing Tutorials, Tips and Tricks


Starting XI
Credits and thanks: to Moddingway for his fabulous FIFA Squads Files Converter tool and for sharing his db files; to Fidel for all the mods, files and editing tips he happily provides and shares; and to regularcat who helped mentor me years ago when I was a novice at all this.


Important Update: Use Fidel's FIFA 18 Squads save file (link below) to create your FIFA 18 squads1 and squadsdefault files for Moddingway's Converter. Moddingway's db contains tables that currently cannot be edited/imported back into the Squads save file.


First, a quick overview of the database (db) editing process. Links to all files mentioned here will be provided below.

Tools, programs and files used in this tutorial:
- Moddingway's FIFA Squads Files Converter tool
- Rinaldo's DB Master 15 tool
- Excel or a similar program
- squads save file
- db file
- db-meta.xml file

1. Start with any squads save file generated via the in-game save feature.
2. Extract the db file from the squads save file using Moddingway's Converter tool.
3. Add the db file to an empty folder containing the db-meta.xml file.
4. Use Rinaldo's DBM tool to open that folder and load the db tables into the DBM tool.

At this point, the db tables are visible in the DBM tool, and can be individually edited in the tool itself. This method though is both inefficient and unreliable. The best way to edit tables is to continue on and:

5. Use the Export function in the DBM tool to export the tables into an empty folder.
6. Open tables in Excel to edit.
7. Use the Import function in the DBM tool to import the edited tables back into the db.
8. Transfer the newly-edited db file back into the Converter tool folder.
9. Use the Converter tool to convert the db file back into the squads save file.
10. Transfer the newly-created squads save file into your game, and play.

Moddingway's Squads Files Converter tool was developed for FIFA 17. It will first need to be tweaked to use with FIFA 18. This is the process:

1. The Converter tool folder contains a squads1 file and a squadsdefault file. Both are 4,159 KB in size. These two FIFA 17 files need to be removed and replaced with two corresponding FIFA 18 files.

2. Place the FIFA 18 squads save file you plan to use on your desktop. Right-click and make a second copy of the same file. Re-name one of the files squads1, and the other squadsdefault.

3. Delete the FIFA 17 squads1 and squadsdefault files from the Moddingway Converter folder.

4. Transfer the newly-created FIFA 18 squads1 and squadsdefault files into the Moddingway Converter folder. Both should be 4,871 KB in size.

Moddingway's Squads Files Converter is now ready to be used with FIFA 18. Be aware you may have to use the Converter's Browse For Squad Save function to search for and load the new squads1 file you just created and placed into the folder.

Links and other info:

Moddingway's FIFA 17 Squads Files Converter, files and tutorial, plus Rinaldo's DB Master 15:


Moddingway's FIFA 18 db file and db-meta.xml file:


Fidel's FIFA 18 Squads save file (original, unedited):


WPS Office (Excel-similar program, free download):


All squad file tables ready to edit (bogus 0 values removed):


Squads save file location: Documents/FIFA 18/settings.
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Starting XI
I'll use this space for additional tips, tricks, etc.

Issue with the db tables (affects career mode and in-game editing):

After the db file has been extracted from the squads save file, and the tables have been exported using DBM, you may find many of the tables contain dozens of rows of bogus 0 values. For example, the createplayer table may be filled with 100+ created players with 0 values in every column, which will prevent you from being able to create any new players using the in-game player editor. As well, these 0 values cause problems with career mode.

To fix that issue, those bogus values will all need to be removed/deleted. You can remove the rows and columns of 0 values quickly using Excel. Scroll to the very left of the table, click on the relevant row number, highlight the rows you wish to delete, right-click and delete all at once. As I said, there may be a couple dozen tables filled with these bogus values, so be aware.

Update: It seems whenever you use the Converter's Extract Database function, it adds dozens of rows of bogus 0 values to certain tables, which then need to be cleaned up and the 0 values deleted each time. To avoid this recurring headache, use the Extract Database function once to extract the db file from your squads save file. After that, export the tables using DBM, delete the bogus table values, and then save those fixed and cleaned-up tables as your default tables. You can continue to use the Converter to convert your edited db back into a squads save file, with no issues at all. Just try to avoid using the Extract Database function, otherwise you will continue to run into this same problem with the bogus 0 values.


Tips to make editing the tables easier and less time-consuming:

Use several of the Excel functions to set up your table before editing. Once it's set up the way you like, save it as a template file. For example, open any table in Excel and on the top tool-bar click:

- Format/Columns/Auto-Fit Column Width. (Allows you to clearly view the top row values.)
- Window/Freeze. (Freezes top row so that it's always visible when you scroll down.)
- Choose a column and click on it to highlight. With the column highlighted, go to the tool-bar and click Data/Sort, and choose Smallest to Largest, or Largest to Smallest. Do this to sort the values in any column.
- When finished setting up options, save as a Template file.

And now anytime you want to continue editing that table, your template will open up with these same set-up choices intact, including the specific column you highlighted and sorted, and were previously working on.

Regarding sorting and rows: You'll notice I might direct you to, say, sort smallest to largest, and then scroll to the bottom to copy/paste row values. I try to keep my instructions simple, and that's the simplest way of sorting and working with rows. But it's much easier in many cases to, say, sort largest to smallest, and then create a new row at the top of the table. This eliminates the need to scroll down each time. To create a new row at the top of the table, scroll to the very left side of the table, to the A column. To the left of the A column is the numbered row column. Row 1 contains all the header values, so leave that alone. Right-click on the next row down, click right on the number 2. In the pop-up box that appears, select Insert/Row, and a new row will be created. Now you can do all your editing work at the top of the table.

Tip for easy reference when editing table columns:


Fab tip from dogfood09; hide the columns you won't be editing. Right-click on the column and select Hide. You can highlight multiple columns and hide them all with one click:



Change your created player from a silhouette to a photo:


fifaCCitiu.com's fast fast fast way to create a player with a photo:



Edit bodytypecode to visually improve your team's players' bodies:



EA Squads update 11/17 with all players 17 years of age, ready for career mode (with young Wayne Rooney!):


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Starting XI
Change your created player from a silhouette to a photo:

What you'll be doing is choosing a player already in the game who has a photo, and using his ID. You'll be assigning him your player's specifics, and then re-creating him as a player with a silhouette. There are two ways to do this. One way is to use the in-game player editor, and then use the Converter to export the database, tables, etc., which is more complicated. I'll explain the less-complicated method.

1. Use the sofifa.com site to search for a player with a photo you wish to use, and to locate his player ID. My suggestion is to use the search function and look for players rated 0-60. Pages of faces will pop up allowing you to quickly scroll through them.

2. You need to find a player who doesn't have custom commentary assigned to him. That's why I suggest using a low-rated player, there will be much less of a chance of that. Commentary names are assigned two ways. For the majority of players (the low-rated players mostly), their commentary name is triggered by their last name only. For many higher-rated players, it is triggered by both their last name and their player ID. You cannot use a player/photo who has custom commentary assigned to his ID.

3. Once you've chosen a player and know his ID, open the players table in Excel and locate him (sort the playerid column, etc.). Take note of the row number, that's the easiest way to find him again if you lose track.

4. Starting back at the A column, right-click and copy his row of values. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and right-click and paste his values in the first empty row. Staying with this player you just created at the bottom of the table, scroll back to the playerid column and change his ID to 242000. He will still be in the game now, but once you change his ID, he will lose his photo and appear in-game as a silhouette.

5. You can now go back to the original player with the photo, and custom edit his values, and change them to whatever values match the player you wish to create. This will take time, and you will have to do a bit of research and find the necessary ID codes.

6. Appearance codes: To help locate and test player appearance IDs (face codes, hair codes, etc.), open FIFA 16 in Creation Master, load a player, and hit the Face tab. Experiment with player looks; test different codes in-game to see how your player looks. FIFA 16 codes work with FIFA 17, and with FIFA 18 I would assume.

7. Commentary codes: If your first or last name is Bob for example, and you want your commentary name in the game, open the playernames table and locate the nameid value for Bob (his name ID is 3489). Then in the players table, locate your player and enter 3489 in the lastnameid column. Be aware that players listed in the playernames table who have a commentaryid value of 900000, do not have commentary names. Also, not all players listed as having active commentary names, have names. A number of those commentary files are in fact inactive, even though the IDs are listed. [NOTE: Since writing this, I've discovered FIFA 18 player name IDs have been changed this year. Easiest to just use the editedplayernames table to name your player.]

8. First name, common name and jersey name: Open the editedplayernames table, scroll to the bottom and, in the first empty row, fill in those three columns. Add the ID of your new player with the photo to the playerid column. You can leave the surname column blank if you have added a lastnameid code (for commentary purposes) to the players table. Your first, common and jersey names will appear in-game, and your player's (last) name will still be announced.

9. Open the teamplayerlinks table to re-assign these two new players to their appropriate teams. Before you do that though, sort the artificialkey column, smallest to largest. Scroll to the bottom and take note of the last ID, let's say it's 19500. When you add a new player, you have to assign the player a unique artificialkey ID. In this case the new player's artificialkey ID would be 19501.

10. Now re-sort the teamplayerlinks table by playerid, and locate the player with a photo (now your player). Right-click and copy the row, paste it at the bottom of the table, and change his playerid to 242000. Also, change the artificialkey ID to 19501 (or whatever it needs to be in your table). The player with a silhouette is now finished; he's back in the game and with his team.

11. Locate your new player with a photo again. Do not edit/change his playerid or artificialkey values. Assign him to the team of your choice by editing his teamid value. Assign his jersey number by editing his jerseynumber value. And for simplicity's sake, assign his position value as 29 (sub). Due to the addition of new db tables the past couple of years, assigning players specific positions in the starting 11 requires some rather complicated edits to other tables.

12. And now save, import and convert, and then transfer your edited squad save file into the game, and hope your new player with his new face shows up in-game.


Trick to access table values and codes you will want for your new player:

1. Start with a different squads save file, one you can just delete when you're done with it. Create your player using the in-game player editor: name, birthday, appearance, kit options, abilities, the whole thing. Save and exit the game.

2. Transfer that squads save file to the Converter folder. You will have to rename it squads1 or whatever the default Converter name is. Extract the db file from the squads save file, add the db file to the xml folder, open the db using DBM, and export the tables into a new folder.

3. Most of your created player's values and codes can be found in three of those tables: the createplayer table, the editedplayernames table, and the players table. (And the teamplayerlinks table, which doesn't apply here.)

4. Open the editedplayernames table first, and scroll to the bottom to view your created player's ID. And now you can locate your player, and can view all the various values and appearance codes for your player that are contained in the both the players table and the createplayer table.

A tip about this trick: If you know a bit about Excel, and transferring values from one table to another, you can by-pass a large portion of my long tutorial above. Copy the row of values in the 1st players table belonging to the player you created using the in-game player editor, and paste it into the 2nd players table with the player and his photo that you're planning to use. Then in the 2nd players table, simply change the ID of the player you created using the in-game editor, to the ID of the player with the photo.

Tip to test for active commentary names to use: I test commentary names by starting a game with the players I want to test, playing as my CBs. Then I just pass the ball around in my backfield until the commentary name is activated (or not). Do this long enough and you'll soon get to learn how commentary is coded. Many star players have standard last name commentary ("Rooney"), as well as custom ID-linked commentary ("And it's Wayne Rooney with the ball").
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Hi Bangus!

How are you darling?

I have some problem whit my older nick.

I have a problem,I hope you can solve it . I am using the fantastic db di Fidel ,this year very impressive. I did some change as for example defenseworkrating 2 to every player but I notice that dosent start the career ( the fidel squad works as a charm in career,)while in friendly it works,any suggest? :)

This is the squad :


Edit : I do everything you wrote in first post,I tried 4 times.


Starting XI
I notice that dosent start the career ( the fidel squad works as a charm in career,)while in friendly it works,any suggest? :)
Hi pedrito. Fidel removed all the bogus 0 values from his tables. He mentions on his thread that you have to do that in order for the squad save file to work in career mode. I would guess that's the reason your file doesn't start in career mode.

One option would be to use Moddingway's FIFA 18 db file as your base db file and tables, and then edit that. The bogus 0 values have all been removed from the tables in that db. Suggestion: create a squads save file using Moddingway's db file. Load the squad save in your game and see if career mode starts. If it does, then you know you can use his db as your base db file and tables.
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As always never Bangus wrongs :) It worked now!

Bangus, I should put the real teams uefa champions league in group stage 2017/2018 I know I can do it manually but ever it changes when I start a new career.

Do you know as can I do whit the db?



Starting XI
Do you know as can I do whit the db?
Sorry no, I have never used the editing tools to move teams or to set up leagues. I don't play with real teams/real competitions, in my game I have van Persie, Kagawa and Di Maria back at Manchester United, and Messi, Ronaldo, Suarez and Neymar playing for Arsenal and with Buffon as their GK, lol.

When I say you must play REAL football, I mean real game play and pace and team positioning, and not rosters you have to worry about updating every two weeks.
You are right,but editing team tables team by team?What do you suggest?

I do a clear example when I play vs Genoa is an amazing game,real football,if I play vs Cagliari is very bored,Checking by custom tactics I dont notice difference beewteen 2 teams,I am sure the for example in db table team Cagliari has some trait not good for the gameplay,but I dont know the values of number

Years Ago Fifaccitiu has find this codes :

Investigating the exe i've found the meaning of team traits, here is the code and the name.


Traits in player table trait1:

000000002 LONG THROW IN
000000008 DIVER
000000016 INJURY PRONE
000000032 SOLID PLAYER
000000512 SELFISH
000001024 LEADERSHIP
000008192 FINESSE SHOT
000016384 FLAIR*
000032768 LONG PASSER
000262144 PLAYMAKER
001048576 PUNCHER
004194304 POWER HEADER
008388608 GK ONE ON ONES
016777216 GIANT THROW IN
134217728 SWERVE
268435456 SECOND WIND

Traits in player table trait2:


I dont know if theese number are the same for fifa 18.

Sorry no, I have never used the editing tools to move teams or to set up leagues. I don't play with real teams/real competitions, in my game I have van Persie, Kagawa and Di Maria back at Manchester United, and Messi, Ronaldo, Suarez and Neymar playing for Arsenal and with Buffon as their GK, lol.

When I say you must play REAL football, I mean real game play and pace and team positioning, and not rosters you have to worry about updating every two weeks.
Yes Understand,I mean say about traits some little team has sure more attacking in home or some string that damn the GP

For example is very nice for little time put defended the lead


Starting XI
You are right,but editing team tables team by team?What do you suggest?
Edit all team tactics at once using Excel, that way it only takes a few minutes to edit every team in the game. Team tactic values are in the default_teamsheets table.

Edit teams according to what style of game play you like to play. I like slow style with less CPU pressure, so all my teams are rated 5-29 in buildup speed, defense pressure, and defense aggression.

I also have a save file in which all teams are rated 75-99 in those same three categories. When I feel like a change and want to play a different style of game with more fouls, I load that squad save. To compensate for the more aggressive CPU, I lower the game difficulty and/or lower CPU Speed and Accel sliders.
I have a question... When I extract db from squad that I want to use,and when I open it with DB Master I dont have all that tables like on your picture... For example I dont have a playernames or comentarynames table etc...Why's that? When i check Moddingways db,there are all that tables,but in mine (extrtacted)-no....


Starting XI
I have a question... When I extract db from squad that I want to use,and when I open it with DB Master I dont have all that tables like on your picture... For example I dont have a playernames or comentarynames table etc...Why's that? When i check Moddingways db,there are all that tables,but in mine (extrtacted)-no....
For FIFA 18 or FIFA 17? I ask because the screen above is of the FIFA 18 db. As I recall, I exported those from Moddingway's FIFA 18 db, posted above. His FIFA 18 db has all the tables that were available in the FIFA 16 db. For some unknown reason though, the FIFA 17 only has half the number of tables, which is unfortunate because some important tables that I like to edit are missing from FIFA 17. It's the one reason I am now considering buying FIFA 18, just so I can access those other tables.
Edit all team tactics at once using Excel, that way it only takes a few minutes to edit every team in the game. Team tactic values are in the default_teamsheets table.

Edit teams according to what style of game play you like to play. I like slow style with less CPU pressure, so all my teams are rated 5-29 in buildup speed, defense pressure, and defense aggression.

I also have a save file in which all teams are rated 75-99 in those same three categories. When I feel like a change and want to play a different style of game with more fouls, I load that squad save. To compensate for the more aggressive CPU, I lower the game difficulty and/or lower CPU Speed and Accel sliders.
Very interesting Bangus, I should neeed a suggest.

I wish do the custom tactics for the most important european league whit whoscored. For your opinion which range must I put to have a real simulation about pressing? I do example Napoli has more ball possession so I will put the maxime ,Crotone the minimum ,I had thought a 70-30 is real for your opinion?


Starting XI
I had thought a 70-30 is real for your opinion?
I don't edit the game that way. I edit the game so it's enjoyable. 5-29 for all teams is enjoyable for me. Anything higher and the game play becomes too frantic.

But that's only half the issue. Because of the boost cheats, teams play different even if you set pressure the same for both. Test it out for yourself. Lower Watford or some lower-rated team to 1 and they don't pressure. But Liverpool plays a ridiculous and unrealistic high pressure game, even if you lower it to 1. Generally, the "star" teams are the ones least affected by buildup, pressure and aggression team tactic edits. That's one of the coding ways EA gets them to play like "star" teams.

If you want to set pressure at realistic levels for all the teams in one league, you have to test each team and set their values individually. One team might have to be set at 10 and the other 50 before they play with the same degree of pressure.
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I don't edit the game that way. I edit the game so it's enjoyable. 5-29 for all teams is enjoyable for me. Anything higher and the game play becomes too frantic.

But that's only half the issue. Because of the boost cheats, teams play different even if you set pressure the same for both. Test it out for yourself. Lower Watford or some lower-rated team to 1 and they don't pressure. But Liverpool plays a ridiculous and unrealistic high pressure game, even if you lower it to 1. Generally, the "star" teams are the ones least affected by buildup, pressure and aggression team tactic edits. That's one of the coding ways EA gets them to play like "star" teams.

If you want to set pressure at realistic levels for all the teams in one league, you have to test each team and set their values individually. One team might have to be set at 10 and the other 50 before they play with the same degree of pressure.

Thanks Bangus, Maybe the Liveropool has this problem because has this trait : 128 - KEEP UP PRESSURE , My thought is take off any trait in teams so I am sure that we have not any boost,what do you think?
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