Ey @
Am no expert but, a good place to start shown on the video below.
I am also trying to find the best way to make good quality faces for free public.
From what I've seen the tools you have are whats being used. I do suspect there are better ways of making faces using other software other than shown in the video. Haven't figured it out yet.
No starhead/plugins found as yet.
I think you need to replace an existing face ID using your custom face/hair/beard etc in the editor tool, then export the modded project file to a .fmod file type. Import the .fmod file to FifaMod manager and launch Fifa through the modmanager. Once in the game use the LiveEditor/CheatTable to assign your generic head the modded face.
Visit the Fifa editor tool page, Aranactu Live Editor and Cheat Table forums for more info.