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career mode

  1. Aranaktu

    FIFA 19 - CM Cheat Table

    FIFA 19 - CM Cheat Table Long week, right? FIFA Career mode cheat table is back again. Play FIFA 19 on your rules. CM Cheat Table is designed for Manager career mode. Scripts may work or may not work in player career mode, especially if you are using player created by your own. I don't care...
  2. K

    No Icons Squad Update

    Hi everyone! I would like an update Squad file with last transfers without icons compatible with FIP 3.0. is that possible?I have tried to edit the file myself bit u have no idea if how... Thanks a lot!
  3. K

    How To Modify Squads Files

    Hi everyone! That's my question. What do I need to modify a Squad file to get last transfers, eliminate icons, loans and things like that. Thanks a lot
  4. B

    FIFA 18 Career Mod

    Please visit https://github.com/linuxfreak90/FIFA18-CMMOD for details. :)
  5. paulv2k4

    Paulv2k4 FIFA18 Career Mod

    ------------------------------- THIS MOD HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED AND I WILL UNLIKELY REPLY TO ANY FUTURE POSTS. THANKS ALL. I will however leave the Git Source files there for anyone to use.! Regards. Paul ------------------------------- Hi all, This is my personal attempt of a career mode. I...
  6. .asensio20


    www.e-league.net Hello guys. Probably most of you do not know me. I am an old modder but I am not so famous because I only worked for personal interest. Now I'm going to try to do something in everyone's interest. A few months ago I opened my own community. www.e-league.net/forum We are a...