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  • hello raven,i have installed via sider a stadium,it included chants for the team assigned,i use same stadium for a second team,all work fine except the chants..does anyone know how to make chants to work for the second team?karaiskaki stadium
    Hey Raven, where can I find your fifa 14 stadiums? I notice u have some stadiums that gonzaga & team dont have yet
    hello greetings from turkey. I downloaded the stadiums you shared but I want to crowd the audience how do I do?
    Hi Raven,
    I hear you had a script to easily import PES 2017 stadiums in Blender with textures, could you share this script please ?

    Thank you !
    good afternoon friend would like to have your stadiums how much I have to donate and a doubt, how much do you charge to make a stadium?
    Hello Raven, i've sent you a donation yesterday, can you send me your Anfield converted ? Thanks
    Hello, I'm novice to modding. Could you briefly explain to me how to install new stadiums on fifa 16
    Hello Raven, I have a Euro 2016 patch that includes most of French league (Ligue 1) stadiums. If you can edit them, I'm willing to donate.
    Hello Raven, I have a Euro 2016 patch that includes most of French league (Ligue 1) stadiums. If you can edit them, I'm willing to donate.
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