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Where can I order UEFA Challenge


Reserve Team
Is it that good?


Is Uefa Challenge really that good? How does it compare to ISS and Fifa? I would really like to see a demo first but I was thinking of maybe getting the game and just wanted your thoughts. Thanks.



Reserve Team
Personally, I Love UEFA Challege a lot. I liked it even better after making some tweaks with the UC Editor. For example, i made the players much smaller, so gameplay became much more realistic. Scores were low, gfx were nice, many stadiums, realistic ref, i could go on and on.

JJ also likes this game, perhaps he coudl add to the list, as to why he likes it....


Reserve Team
Stupid question but do I need to do anything special for it run on my computer if I am in the US? Thanks.

According the official UEFA handbook, UEFA offers 40 Gold Medals to the winners of the Champions League and Europa League, and 30 Silver Medals to the Runners-Up in both competitions specifying that no additional medals are permitted. From that point onward, it is the club's choice (Essentially meaning its the manager's choice) to award the medal to any player he/she feels may deserve so. There is certainly no language barring a player who hasn't played sufficient games or was cup-tied from receiving a medal.
UEFA Challenge is really good for liverpool .Because very except fans for this team.so really big challenge for us