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TVPopupsChanger Tool by Zlatan87 (Scoreboards, Popups and Wipes)


Club Supporter
Good work zlatan, but I need your help.

If I open the selector I get an error, which means translated:
A part of the path "C:\TVPopupsChanger\popups\" has not been found.
I checked out if there is any of this folders, but there is no new folder called like this.
Sure, I could create the path, but what do I have to put in the folders?

I have installed the programm a second time, but I still have the same problem.
If I start a game with e.g. Bayern I can see your great knew popups for Bundesliga.

The Danish

Reserve Team
zlatan87;3205975 said:
Yes have transparency, check transparency in texture editor ;) good luck ;) ah man if you produce others league wipes contact me and i will insert in my Tool :D

I tried it now and the program works like a charm! :)

I'm mostly interested in the replay wipes, but it looks as the only thing that is possible is to replace the rotating logo (on one side (hope this makes sense (at least if you have seen this ingame)). I would like to make a new replay wipe from scratch, but that seems impossible :(


Reserve Team
Robse previously you have installed Zlatan's superpatch ?

See if agree the path to the folder of the game.


Club Supporter
Alacon;3206159 said:
Robse previously you have installed Zlatan's superpatch ?

No, must I do that? Do not understand the italian, and didnt see it in english (Y)

Alacon;3206159 said:
See if agree the path to the folder of the game.

The of Fifa12 folder is correct, because I can see the popups ingame. Just cant change them with the new tool :(


Reserve Team
These folders are created during installation so i don't know what happened that you do not.
So it should look like:


Youth Team
zlatan87;3205975 said:
I think fhl bh but i don't say if support also head.big ;)

Yes have transparency, check transparency in texture editor ;) good luck ;) ah man if you produce others league wipes contact me and i will insert in my Tool :D

yes, fhl only support data1 to 7.

sam_red devil

Starting XI
works like a charm..good work..i have a question-is there any alternate have separate wipes coz if i have to choose europa league version i always have to restart the fifa.


Club Supporter
Everything works fine for me exept the wipes :(
I relink Bundesliga wipe to Bundesliga and all the others to theit leagues but ingame I allwas got Serie A SkyCalcio (Zlatan87) wipe in all leagues :/ what have I done wrong?


Reserve Team
in wipes u have to choose bundeslinga slot and after that assing the wipe.

sam_red devil;3206719 said:
works like a charm..good work..i have a question-is there any alternate have separate wipes coz if i have to choose europa league version i always have to restart the fifa.

for now there is no other solution, just this one, choose the wipe and play, and if u want another one, stop the game, choose, and enter the game.


Club Supporter
razvanultra55;3206955 said:
in wipes u have to choose bundeslinga slot and after that assing the wipe.

for now there is no other solution, just this one, choose the wipe and play, and if u want another one, stop the game, choose, and enter the game.

So you can only import one wipe for all tournaments?


Reserve Team
noup, u understood wrong.
u can choose from the Wipes menu, for each league the specific wipe (exe : EPL ->EPL wipe, Bundesliga ->Bundesliga wipe), but u can't do it before entering the game, not when u are in-game. U can do this for each league that apear in zlatanas TV Popup tool on Wipes Menu, before entering the game. After, u must regenerate with the first and the last option in the Regenerator, for the game to work properly.

Cesc Fabregas

Senior Squad
Tool is workíng as expected, great work Zlatan ;) also great that you included the option to take the logo back to default.

Hope you can include some more things in future version like referee kits. ;)


Reserve Team
referee kits are in the tool for zlatan's superpatch Cesc Fabregas and its working
