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Total graphic patch [MoviesGDB/ScoreboardsGDB/TVLogosGDB]


Club Supporter
As far as I remember the Bundesliga one was the only one that worked in Fifa 16. The other ones forced the game to load the standard 3D ones or the generic EA wipe. But you can give it a try with the Fifa 22 wipes. Perhaps something changed in the meantime.
So... I took my last remaining free time before I have to take a long break to update @nikolapfc89's Bundesliga scoreboard with the current DFL font and also made a 2. Bundesliga version. Unfortunately it doesn't really fit with the popups of last year's version like you can see on the screenshot below. I really, really hope that @RHZhang could find the time and is willing to move those popups for Match Facts, Cards, Substitutions and Injuries under the scoreboard like in my mockup and perhaps also make a overlay_9002.big version of this scoreboard, so that we could even update the versions for both relegations and the DFL Supercup which don't use the 70xx files. Sure, it still wouldn't be the real deal like on TV, but at least a suitable hybrid everyone could enjoy, right? :D

Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/n2mq37

Download #2: https://www.mediafire.com/file/gxpwx2im0xk90el/Germany_2021.rar/file
Do these scoreboards work for fifa 16 on ps3 and ps4?


Senior Squad
another question friend if you were so kind, is there an app to edit the fifa 15 menu, theme design and appearance, replace the initial Splash and others
I can't remember how can you change it in Fifa 15, i stopped moding after fifa 12 and recently started again. Maybe with CG File Explorer.

In newer fifa you can do that with Editor Tool, some of the file names are splashscreen, PressStart; for backgrounds bg_wall, bg_floor, cm Backgrounds (texturethemedefault, texturethemeepl, ...).


Youth Team
Great work friend! how could the speed of the wipe be slowed down?
You can see below that post we comment that. Unfortunately, I don't know.

maybe it's only me..but i never made the seria a popups to work with cgserver..and this goes with these posted here and roberto's
But others are working fine (but not PL or BL)? Because Serie A is the same as another id 9xxx. Only BL and PL have different overlay IDs.


Youth Team
it happens only AFTER i used cl popups by


...quite strange...it seems that something remains in the folders that causes the crash...

You need to copy file overlay_9024 from any of RHZhang popups to all popups you have and a crash will go.

That is because CGFS copies all files from our folders and then files are mixed up in the default game folder. The problem is my popups cause I used different overlay files for the template. But this file will sort that out.

Just copy his overlay_9024 file into the overlay folder in every popup you have in the ScoreboardGDB folder.

Here is file

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Can you please help me ? I have been asking nonstop to have someone helping me making scoreboards and pop ups for fifa 15 ps vita, no one offered to help. I have the overlays and would like to edit them but I don’t know where to start and what to do.
edit some scoreboards with fifa file explorer 14