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torn acl


Starting XI
Eng4WorldCup;2319452 said:
Really? Swimming helps? Thats a nice fact considering the hot days coming up...

Yea, if your therapy place has a pool have your PT take you there and do some exercises with you. Help's me out because I can't quite jog yet so walking underwater and doing other things does help it out and if you don't have a pool at your place than just ask him for some exercises.


Starting XI
Little bit of an update:
Around 9 Months post-op the doc told me to start playing again. Excellent. I've played a couple of footie games, and a couple of basketball games with the huge brace. It's quite annoying, but I know it's for the best. People say I'm pretty much the same as I used to be, just a bit out of shape. The knee feels fine too, thank G-d!

2 Questions:
a) Roughly how long will I be using this big brace to play sports in?
b) When i get hit on my knee fairly hard, it feels like a bump comes out, as if my bone comes out. Then goes away after a day. Did anyone else have this? Any idea if this will stop happening eventually or will keep going?



Starting XI
Eng4WorldCup;2427923 said:
Little bit of an update:
Around 9 Months post-op the doc told me to start playing again. Excellent. I've played a couple of footie games, and a couple of basketball games with the huge brace. It's quite annoying, but I know it's for the best. People say I'm pretty much the same as I used to be, just a bit out of shape. The knee feels fine too, thank G-d!

2 Questions:
a) Roughly how long will I be using this big brace to play sports in?
b) When i get hit on my knee fairly hard, it feels like a bump comes out, as if my bone comes out. Then goes away after a day. Did anyone else have this? Any idea if this will stop happening eventually or will keep going?


A. Depends on the doctor, mine is saying I should wear it for 1-2 months and if I am confident than to take it off otherwise keep wearing it until your confident ( honestly I think it's just a mental thing... )

B. Not sure what your talking about?

My update here, it's been a little over 6 and a half months now and I just got my appointment for a Biodex to test how strong the knee is. The Doctor feels confident that I should be able to play some time in November to December! Bad thing is that I have gotten fat as hell, need to lose the weight and get back in shape to actually play.


Youth Team
hello fellow acl injury victims.

Eng4WorldCup hows your knee now after a year and some?

i've done my left leg acl in november and had the surgery just before new year, so it's been 7 weeks from the operation. started walking without crutches around 9 days after the operation, was walking normally after like 4 weeks. at the moment the knee is still feeling sore and stiff and the chin area is stiff aswell, but the knee bends almost fully and goes fully straight. i've lost quite alot of muscle from the leg, though when streightening the muscles still come out, so thats a good base to build on.

next week i'm starting to build up the strenght with light weights on leg press and such, my physio also told me that i could start juggling with a football with my right leg cos that would mean balancing on the left. the he underlines how important balance is. thankfully i havent lost the general balance of the knee, just the strenght.

so far i have been exercise biking for 3 weeks 3 times a week in the gym and started rowing and crosstraining last week. along them i have other basic movements which i do or at least try to do in between the days when i dont go to the gym. hopefully the general soreness and stiffness of the knee starts to ease up soon and with the knee strenghtening a bit more, hopefully i can start gentle jogging in mid march.

the ultimate aim would be to be able to get back to football at the start of july, but theres still a long way to go. long battle against patiency. the fact that i dont really like going to the gym makes the battle harder, but atm i'm really enjoying the feeling of getting generally fit again.

and man i havent posted here in ages.