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Top 300 Modern Rock Songs Of All Time


Starting XI
Originally posted by Larry
How the hell do bands like Gorrillaz get on the list.

Thats about as accurate as the fifa world rankings

Gorrillaz is pretty alright if you liked Blur front man and Mr Dobalina - mister Bob Dobalina the people whom created it.

As I said this list is gay people make them but they will never be perfect.


Senior Squad
243) Into Your Arms - The Lemonheads
Lemonheads still remain one of my favorite candies of all times. Lemondheads, Boston Baked Beans, Cherry Clan, Alexander The Grape, Fun Dip, Now & Laters :rockman: :rockman:


Starting XI
Originally posted by Caponedawg
Lemonheads still remain one of my favorite candies of all times. Lemondheads, Boston Baked Beans, Cherry Clan, Alexander The Grape, Fun Dip, Now & Laters :rockman: :rockman:

Ok they sound kewl ill check them out on Kazaa - any songs you recommend?