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KeFeast;3777768 said:can anyone do the real madrid YAMAMOTO DRAGON THIRD KIT please??
PsychoCaki;3791497 said:Hi everyone.
Tonce what about Dortmund third kits this season .The white one when dortmund played against dinamo drezden in DFB Polak , and alternative kit with yellow shorts like this one .Can you make it ?
PsychoCaki;3791549 said:Thank you mate.But I downloaded them replaced regenerate with file master and nothing
. Only appears home ,and away no alternative kits . What Im doing wrong ...I have latest moddingway
PsychoCaki;3791596 said:Aha .But I downloaded kits for fifa 14 not 15 .I have creation master 14 I dont know how to use it ..only know how to change turf patterns lol .
PsychoCaki;3791603 said:And I dont know how to use rx.3 Files in creation master ,and use mutliple kits thats problem mate.