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The Wizard's Stadiums - Farewell Package - RELEASE (#2582) - Goodbye!

VELTINS-Arena Update by Nisoley - EA

Hi all,

merry Xmas! To celebrate the day I present you an update of the VELTINS-Arena of Schalke 04. Thanks to the new model from FC Online 4 the stadium looks much better and I have updated all graphics. Thanks to @STrent for the support! As always there is a league and a tournament version. Enjoy!



If you like my work, support it!
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I love you, pal!

The Wizard

Reserve Team

Farewell package by Nisoley

Hi all,

I wish you all a happy new year! For me personally, 2024 was a very tough and challenging year and 2025 also holds some challenges in store for me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the community and especially @STrent, @Maxey, @badgerbadger, @SimIT!, @gonzaga, @RavenFCB, @locosbuda, @nikolapfc89, @Robson Mambrini, @scouser09, @saul.silva, @Papinho81, and so many more for their support and great cooperation. I've been active in modding since 2005, but now it's time to say goodbye. Creating stadiums for FIFA 16, for you guys, has always been a lot of fun, but I haven't played the game for almost two years and I think it's a good time to focus on other things. But you know me, I wouldn't leave without a big present and that's why I'm sharing with you 27 stadium updates from Germany that I've created over the last few months. All stadiums now have a night version, textures have been optimized, bugs have been fixed, and much more.

Before you go to the download, one last request: if you liked my work, I would appreciate a small donation!

PayPal: HERE
Buy me a coffee:

Take care and stay healthy!

Some previews:



Farewell package by Nisoley

Hi all,

I wish you all a happy new year! For me personally, 2024 was a very tough and challenging year and 2025 also holds some challenges in store for me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the community and especially @STrent, @Maxey, @badgerbadger, @SimIT!, @gonzaga, @RavenFCB, @locosbuda, @nikolapfc89, @Robson Mambrini, @scouser09, @saul.silva, @Papinho81, and so many more for their support and great cooperation. I've been active in modding since 2005, but now it's time to say goodbye. Creating stadiums for FIFA 16, for you guys, has always been a lot of fun, but I haven't played the game for almost two years and I think it's a good time to focus on other things. But you know me, I wouldn't leave without a big present and that's why I'm sharing with you 27 stadium updates from Germany that I've created over the last few months. All stadiums now have a night version, textures have been optimized, bugs have been fixed, and much more.

Before you go to the download, one last request: if you liked my work, I would appreciate a small donation!

PayPal: HERE
Buy me a coffee:

Take care and stay healthy!

Some previews:


Happy New Year Wizard, it's sad to see you go these packs are wonderful i've been using your stadiums since 2021 when i bought fifa 16 i hope that you will have a good life and you will come back to this community some day, we're going to miss you all.
Oh man that’s heartbreaking seeing one of the best stadium modders leave the community. But your reasons are fair to say goodbye.

Thank you so much for everything you have done for the community and for me with the Almere City stadium.

Goodbye and maybe we will see you ever in the future. Thank you for your great work.
Although I started to watch fifa stadiums very late, I am very thank for everything you have done, especially the stadiums of FIFA23 you shared, which brought new vitality to the long-dry PES world. I am also thanks for your German and Italian stadiums, they updated the old PES models which more than 10 years. The night lightmaps are a perfect match for PES2013.
When you lose interest in modding games, it is time to leave. although whatever the FIFA community and the PES community have a tendency to become increasingly deserted (even pes2021 will take a long time to see a new stadium. there were new stadiums here almost every day 3 years ago, but now it takes a long time to see new one too), your works will always be valuable assets. I wish you the same good in the new field.
Last edited:


Club Supporter

Farewell package by Nisoley

Hi all,

I wish you all a happy new year! For me personally, 2024 was a very tough and challenging year and 2025 also holds some challenges in store for me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the community and especially @STrent, @Maxey, @badgerbadger, @SimIT!, @gonzaga, @RavenFCB, @locosbuda, @nikolapfc89, @Robson Mambrini, @scouser09, @saul.silva, @Papinho81, and so many more for their support and great cooperation. I've been active in modding since 2005, but now it's time to say goodbye. Creating stadiums for FIFA 16, for you guys, has always been a lot of fun, but I haven't played the game for almost two years and I think it's a good time to focus on other things. But you know me, I wouldn't leave without a big present and that's why I'm sharing with you 27 stadium updates from Germany that I've created over the last few months. All stadiums now have a night version, textures have been optimized, bugs have been fixed, and much more.

Before you go to the download, one last request: if you liked my work, I would appreciate a small donation!

PayPal: HERE
Buy me a coffee:

Take care and stay healthy!

Some previews:


Thats a really sad news! Thanks for always supporting me, if you havent helped me when I knew nothing about stadium editing I would probably had given up. I wish you the best on your new challenges and hope that you come back here from time to time.

Prost mate! Have some Altbier, Kolsh, Helles or from whatever you are in Germany to celebrate!


Club Supporter
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the community and especially @STrent...​

Wait? Master! MASTER! Are you telling me I'm finally free? I can leave your underground dungeon and see this silly thing you call "outside"? REALLY??? No more glare or texture work for me, then? I... I... I'm speechless :O So I can actually stand up, walk to that forbidden door which was always forbidden for me to look at, and open it? Thank you so much! THANK YOU! THANK YOU, MASTER! Slowly and slightly frightened, he shuffles to the door and cracks it open. What? There's a toilet in here? The whole F***ING TIME?! Why did you Master give me that bucket in the corner, then? I could have been taking showers all these years! :O Silence fills the room. So... which door? Upstairs? Oh... okay... l-l-l-lead the way, Master. He knew it was how his Master lured him to the dungeon that became his new home for the last 9 years. Upstairs, a long, dark corridor stretches like an ominous hallway from a horror game. Finally, his Master points to a door. This one? Really? No sudden toilet or anything? O-o-okay... He pushes the door open cautiously, as if reality might implode at any moment. HOLY COW! Someone PLEASE set the game to night time! This glare is insane! And... what the f*** are these ugly SD textures? MASTER! PLEASE TAKE ME BACK INSIDE! He turns around, just as the door slams shut behind him, locking him out for good. What is this... gestures around helplessly ...ugly place? Where should I go? What should I do? WHO... AM... I?! F***!

It was an honor to follow you on your whole stadium modding journey as colleague and as a friend. 9 years that I will really miss, despite telling you otherwise every god damn time xD, but you know where you can find me for whatever comes next. In the meantime, take care, all the best, and talk to you soon ;)

Farewell package by Nisoley

Hi all,

I wish you all a happy new year! For me personally, 2024 was a very tough and challenging year and 2025 also holds some challenges in store for me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the community and especially @STrent, @Maxey, @badgerbadger, @SimIT!, @gonzaga, @RavenFCB, @locosbuda, @nikolapfc89, @Robson Mambrini, @scouser09, @saul.silva, @Papinho81, and so many more for their support and great cooperation. I've been active in modding since 2005, but now it's time to say goodbye. Creating stadiums for FIFA 16, for you guys, has always been a lot of fun, but I haven't played the game for almost two years and I think it's a good time to focus on other things. But you know me, I wouldn't leave without a big present and that's why I'm sharing with you 27 stadium updates from Germany that I've created over the last few months. All stadiums now have a night version, textures have been optimized, bugs have been fixed, and much more.

Before you go to the download, one last request: if you liked my work, I would appreciate a small donation!

PayPal: HERE
Buy me a coffee:

Take care and stay healthy!

Some previews:


The creators of stadiums today say goodbye to a great man, a legend of this space, may your life be fruitful wherever you go, do not forget that this community will always be grateful for the great contributions you have made.

"The magic of the Wizard will always shine in every stadium"


Club Supporter

Farewell package by Nisoley

Hi all,

I wish you all a happy new year! For me personally, 2024 was a very tough and challenging year and 2025 also holds some challenges in store for me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the community and especially @STrent, @Maxey, @badgerbadger, @SimIT!, @gonzaga, @RavenFCB, @locosbuda, @nikolapfc89, @Robson Mambrini, @scouser09, @saul.silva, @Papinho81, and so many more for their support and great cooperation. I've been active in modding since 2005, but now it's time to say goodbye. Creating stadiums for FIFA 16, for you guys, has always been a lot of fun, but I haven't played the game for almost two years and I think it's a good time to focus on other things. But you know me, I wouldn't leave without a big present and that's why I'm sharing with you 27 stadium updates from Germany that I've created over the last few months. All stadiums now have a night version, textures have been optimized, bugs have been fixed, and much more.

Before you go to the download, one last request: if you liked my work, I would appreciate a small donation!

PayPal: HERE
Buy me a coffee:

Take care and stay healthy!

Some previews:


Thank you so much for all these years, have a good life, we will miss you.

Farewell package by Nisoley

Hi all,

I wish you all a happy new year! For me personally, 2024 was a very tough and challenging year and 2025 also holds some challenges in store for me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the community and especially @STrent, @Maxey, @badgerbadger, @SimIT!, @gonzaga, @RavenFCB, @locosbuda, @nikolapfc89, @Robson Mambrini, @scouser09, @saul.silva, @Papinho81, and so many more for their support and great cooperation. I've been active in modding since 2005, but now it's time to say goodbye. Creating stadiums for FIFA 16, for you guys, has always been a lot of fun, but I haven't played the game for almost two years and I think it's a good time to focus on other things. But you know me, I wouldn't leave without a big present and that's why I'm sharing with you 27 stadium updates from Germany that I've created over the last few months. All stadiums now have a night version, textures have been optimized, bugs have been fixed, and much more.

Before you go to the download, one last request: if you liked my work, I would appreciate a small donation!

PayPal: HERE
Buy me a coffee:

Take care and stay healthy!

Some previews:


oh wow man, thank u for being a great inspiration especially with all the work you’ve done for the the German league, goodluck with your future plans and God bless!


Reserve Team

Farewell package by Nisoley

Hi all,

I wish you all a happy new year! For me personally, 2024 was a very tough and challenging year and 2025 also holds some challenges in store for me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the community and especially @STrent, @Maxey, @badgerbadger, @SimIT!, @gonzaga, @RavenFCB, @locosbuda, @nikolapfc89, @Robson Mambrini, @scouser09, @saul.silva, @Papinho81, and so many more for their support and great cooperation. I've been active in modding since 2005, but now it's time to say goodbye. Creating stadiums for FIFA 16, for you guys, has always been a lot of fun, but I haven't played the game for almost two years and I think it's a good time to focus on other things. But you know me, I wouldn't leave without a big present and that's why I'm sharing with you 27 stadium updates from Germany that I've created over the last few months. All stadiums now have a night version, textures have been optimized, bugs have been fixed, and much more.

Before you go to the download, one last request: if you liked my work, I would appreciate a small donation!

PayPal: HERE
Buy me a coffee:

Take care and stay healthy!

Wow! I'm not sure if I can put a like on this post. It's a hit in my heart to see you leaving, my friend. Every time I log in to the forum your thread is one of the first I check for something new and really good. That motivated me as well, to see people really commited to their passion. It's hard to know the next time I come around you won't be here to show us quality. But I understand your choice. Wish you the best of luck, love and health, buddy!
@The Wizard
Thank you so much for all you have done for the fans of this beautiful game. Your mods have always been associated to quality in my mind. It was clear you always did your mods with love and the pleasure to share with others without second thoughts. Thank you so much for this final release.

I wish you all the best for your future and the challenges you mentioned. If there is anything that can be done to help you, do not hesitate contact me in pm. I am not a Wizard ( ;) ) but who knows...
@The Wizard
I am very grateful for your partnership with your great models and your generous soul with our FIFA community who love your great work and admire you above all as the great person that you are. You will always be remembered and I ask that you always remember us, even though we are far apart, we are together for something in common. Visit us here whenever you can and want... a hug and all the success in the world to you, my friend.
40 minutes later and i fixed it.

All credits can go to The Wizard and RavenFCB.

If someone could explain me how i can play at daylight it would be great :)
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