I would like to take this opportunity to thank the community and especially
Wait? Master! MASTER! Are you telling me I'm finally free? I can leave your underground dungeon and see this silly thing you call "outside"? REALLY??? No more glare or texture work for me, then? I... I... I'm speechless

So I can actually stand up, walk to that forbidden door which was always forbidden for me to look at, and open it? Thank you so much! THANK YOU! THANK YOU, MASTER!
Slowly and slightly frightened, he shuffles to the door and cracks it open. What? There's a toilet in here? The whole F***ING TIME?! Why did you Master give me that bucket in the corner, then? I could have been taking showers all these years!
Silence fills the room. So... which door? Upstairs? Oh... okay... l-l-l-lead the way, Master.
He knew it was how his Master lured him to the dungeon that became his new home for the last 9 years. Upstairs, a long, dark corridor stretches like an ominous hallway from a horror game. Finally, his Master points to a door. This one? Really? No sudden toilet or anything? O-o-okay...
He pushes the door open cautiously, as if reality might implode at any moment. HOLY COW! Someone PLEASE set the game to night time! This glare is insane! And... what the f*** are these ugly SD textures? MASTER! PLEASE TAKE ME BACK INSIDE!
He turns around, just as the door slams shut behind him, locking him out for good. What is this...
gestures around helplessly ...ugly place? Where should I go? What should I do? WHO... AM... I?! F***!
It was an honor to follow you on your whole stadium modding journey as colleague and as a friend. 9 years that I will really miss, despite telling you otherwise every god damn time xD, but you know where you can find me for whatever comes next. In the meantime, take care, all the best, and talk to you soon