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Switching to FIFA


Club Supporter
I've been playing WE/PES since WE 7 and have owned every version since. The reason - realistic gameplay. I don't care much about graphics or asthetics. Just give me realistic gameplay. Well, each year I hope that Konami will fix many things that have made these games more unrealistic over the years. However, it seems that each year most of the issues get worse. All of my complaints are based on my own opinion, but I'm sure many of you will agree.

1. AI players on your own team - They're idiots. When they make runs they are typically at the worst moment. They stop runs at the most inoportune times. If the cursor is not on them...forget about defence. In regards to receiving passes, the fact that "supercancel" even exists is proof of that a problem exists with the AI.

2. Refereeing (This could be long) - I'm sick of having my heal clipped as I'm about to take a shot. I can't even count how many times I've been in on the keeper only to have my heal clipped from behind making me "stumble" just so the defensive player can step in front of me and waltz away with the ball.

3. Refereeing 2 (Slide Tackles/Cards) - Why is it than 90% of slide tackles resulting in fouls are carded (this apparently doesn't apply to the CPU)? Why is it that at least 50% of clean tackles are whistled anyway? Konami has had too many years to fix the refereeing and there hasn't been a single improvement in 5 years.

4. CPU - At times the CPU is invincible. Tackle the ball away? Doesn't matter because it deflects to a CPU teammate anyway. Step in front of the CPU to take away the ball? Oops...missed the ball, you stepped right between the ball and the player. Now he continues on toward your net while you scratch your head in confusion and bewilderment. Sometimes the CPU decides it's going to win, and that's all there is to it.

5. Goalkeeping/Rebounds - There are far too many rebounds on both ends. This is something that has steadily gotten worse with the WE/PES franchise. The part that's really frustrating it the fact that the CPU in PES 2008 seems to recover rebounds on their offensive end 75-80% of the time leading to tap in goals. Why don't my AI players recover rebounds at such a high rate? See point #1. This really has become a bad joke with this years game.

6. Passing - When there are two players from your team in the same vacinity and you pass in that direction, the CPU nearly always chooses the wrong player for the recipient. Bad CPU decisions on passes lead to way too many CPU goals.

7. Defense on Corners - It's incredible how often the CPU scores on corners. It's most frustrating when your players doesn't even challenge for the header.

8. Diving/Shirt pulling - The addition of these options is pathetic. Maybe this does add realism, but I don't dive in real life and I won't in a game either. Diving is for people with no integrity. Shirt pulling is trash as well. If you can't win without diving and shirt pulling you deserve to lose. Get better.

I could continue on, but I think you get the idea. I've been loyal to Konami for a long time, but I'm sick of their claim to having the "most realistic" soccer game available. When "most realistic" is this unrealistic I lose my patience. I haven't owned a FIFA game since FIFA 96, but I'm off to get '08 now. They may not be realistic either, but I'm done with Konami. Fix what your fans have wanted fixed for years or I won't be the last to jump ship.


Reserve Team
mnb128;2438202 said:
I haven't owned a FIFA game since FIFA 96, but I'm off to get '08 now. They may not be realistic either, but I'm done with Konami. Fix what your fans have wanted fixed for years or I won't be the last to jump ship.

There are people complaining about Fifa 08 too that its too hard and being cheated by the CPU. However, I feel Fifa is a very good game and its a matter of making your choice without listening to fanboys of either game. But dont believe there wont be things that wont frustrate you in Fifa 08 too.


Club Supporter
mnb128;2438202 said:
I've been playing WE/PES since WE 7 and have owned every version since. The reason - realistic gameplay. I don't care much about graphics or asthetics. Just give me realistic gameplay. Well, each year I hope that Konami will fix many things that have made these games more unrealistic over the years. However, it seems that each year most of the issues get worse. All of my complaints are based on my own opinion, but I'm sure many of you will agree.

1. AI players on your own team - They're idiots. When they make runs they are typically at the worst moment. They stop runs at the most inoportune times. If the cursor is not on them...forget about defence. In regards to receiving passes, the fact that "supercancel" even exists is proof of that a problem exists with the AI.

2. Refereeing (This could be long) - I'm sick of having my heal clipped as I'm about to take a shot. I can't even count how many times I've been in on the keeper only to have my heal clipped from behind making me "stumble" just so the defensive player can step in front of me and waltz away with the ball.

3. Refereeing 2 (Slide Tackles/Cards) - Why is it than 90% of slide tackles resulting in fouls are carded (this apparently doesn't apply to the CPU)? Why is it that at least 50% of clean tackles are whistled anyway? Konami has had too many years to fix the refereeing and there hasn't been a single improvement in 5 years.

4. CPU - At times the CPU is invincible. Tackle the ball away? Doesn't matter because it deflects to a CPU teammate anyway. Step in front of the CPU to take away the ball? Oops...missed the ball, you stepped right between the ball and the player. Now he continues on toward your net while you scratch your head in confusion and bewilderment. Sometimes the CPU decides it's going to win, and that's all there is to it.

5. Goalkeeping/Rebounds - There are far too many rebounds on both ends. This is something that has steadily gotten worse with the WE/PES franchise. The part that's really frustrating it the fact that the CPU in PES 2008 seems to recover rebounds on their offensive end 75-80% of the time leading to tap in goals. Why don't my AI players recover rebounds at such a high rate? See point #1. This really has become a bad joke with this years game.

6. Passing - When there are two players from your team in the same vacinity and you pass in that direction, the CPU nearly always chooses the wrong player for the recipient. Bad CPU decisions on passes lead to way too many CPU goals.

7. Defense on Corners - It's incredible how often the CPU scores on corners. It's most frustrating when your players doesn't even challenge for the header.

8. Diving/Shirt pulling - The addition of these options is pathetic. Maybe this does add realism, but I don't dive in real life and I won't in a game either. Diving is for people with no integrity. Shirt pulling is trash as well. If you can't win without diving and shirt pulling you deserve to lose. Get better.

I could continue on, but I think you get the idea. I've been loyal to Konami for a long time, but I'm sick of their claim to having the "most realistic" soccer game available. When "most realistic" is this unrealistic I lose my patience. I haven't owned a FIFA game since FIFA 96, but I'm off to get '08 now. They may not be realistic either, but I'm done with Konami. Fix what your fans have wanted fixed for years or I won't be the last to jump ship.

1. I have no problems with team mates runs and they definately haven't changed that much over last year, if anything i think they're better now. Maybe you need another formation that suits your playstyle?

2. Yeah it sucks when that happens. On the other hand, i've gotten plenty of cheap free kicks my way aswell.

3. I find that when slide tackling from the front, i rarely give away freekicks and i am almost never booked that way. My cards usually comes from tackling from behind. Sure, the referee is tough and it probably wouldn't hurt to make him a little less tough but it doesn't bother me that much.

4. Yes, there definately are moments when it seems like the cpu is unbeatable but where these not in earlier versions aswell? It can hardly come as a surprise to you. However, usually it can be stopped by commiting a foul. The slide tackle works wonders for this;).

5. I somewhat agree with this point, although i still prefer this way over Fifa. In Fifa it seems like the keepers are capable of blocking even the hardes shot, without giving away a corner but you are right, the keepers could use some improvement.

6. The wrong player? lol.
You do realise that you can control which player to pass to by how long you press the pass button, right?
Because everytime that happens to me, i didn't press the pass button like i should have,

7. Practice corners some more?

8. First of all, i am pretty sure Konami doesn't care about how you play football and also, it isn't a valid point against an ingame feature. Diving and shirt pulling is part of the game wether you like it or not. You don't do those things when you play football? Easy solution, don't do it ingame either.

Judging from your post, i find it hard to believe that you have been a long time fan of the series.
Because pretty much all the faults you list, that actually exists, have been in the series for ages. Why did you buy the new version if those flaws annoys you that much?
Didn't you play the demo or read any reviews first?

Have fun in Fifa. It is a good game but if you are expecting it to be flawless, you are very wrong.
While you may get better keepers (sometimes) and more capable ai defending, you will also get to know sweetspots, sluggish player control and unrealistically similar goals


Starting XI
i have swiched from fifa 08 to pes08!
had fifa 08 installed for a week then i got very bored since there is not that mutch new stuff,almost like 07 with a minor patch!
Now i have had pes for a week and have used the week to get it running smooth on my computer (the only game i have had trouble with)
I agree with the thread starter in all his point's but fifa got it's flaw's too

Concidering the thing that you haven't played fifa since 96 ,fifa08 could be enjoyable for you but dont expext too mutch!


Senior Squad
lol i really .. really don't get why people say they have moved to a different game or they don't like/prefer another .. its like who gives a **** what you do with your gaming life anyway lol


Youth Team
With all respect I think he has some excellent and well-stated points. I agree with him but I am soldiering on with PES.


Senior Squad
Well let me just tell you. If you get FIFA 08 to play ONLINE, FORGET ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is a corner kick cheat that is just RETARDED. And the ppl who know fifa inside out can score on almost EVERY corner kick that they take. Its more of a HUGE BUG if u ask me. BUT if you are looking for a single player game that is really hard than FIFA 08 is pretty good for that. I like playing Fifa08 but ONLINE I stay away from. This is on ps2 by the way I dont know if next gen systems has that bug in it.

And PES2008 is a good game. Not as good as WE7,WE8,or WE9. TOO easy to score if u ask me. I like harder games where defending is easy. Even the CPU just runs by my defence like it wasnt there. Well I guess its more realistic that way. I remember my days of WE8 playing ML MY goal difference would be ridiculous like 101goals for and like 9against. BUT now the CPU can score more and its more of a challenge But I still find the game too easy to beat since scoring is easy..

Noble Savage

Club Supporter
jn2002dk;2438401 said:
3. I find that when slide tackling from the front, i rarely give away freekicks and i am almost never booked that way. My cards usually comes from tackling from behind. Sure, the referee is tough and it probably wouldn't hurt to make him a little less tough but it doesn't bother me that much.

4. Yes, there definately are moments when it seems like the cpu is unbeatable but where these not in earlier versions aswell? It can hardly come as a surprise to you. However, usually it can be stopped by commiting a foul. The slide tackle works wonders for this;).

3. I've got no problems with cards coming either. But what does bug me is that the cpu makes about one foul per game that is actually whistled. The number of cards cpu gets is even less. That ain't realistic and it gives you an idea that the cpu is f*****g with you. Fair treatment for both cpu and me please. In a football game it is 1-3 cards per team but in PES it's 1-3 fouls both teams included.

4. I agree. But what is wrong with this is that it doesn't really matter who you play against when the cpu decides that your going to lose or at least draw the game. For example I play with Man Utd and I lose to a crappy team like Sunderland without actually having a chance (well really I have a chance as I win the shots about 25-3 but all of them seem to go wide or straight towards the goalie no matter what) and then I win Chelsea away from home 4-0. If the cpu has to decide I lose it should at least be a proper team that I lose to. Not a randomly selected team. This happens more rarely than in the previous versions as PES 2008 is not very challenging. But nonetheless it does happen and it is disturbing.

But one thing I can tell you. Even with all the flaws and add many more, PES 2008 is miles and miles ahead of FIFA 08. I can't believe what people see in it as it is the most arcade crap I've seen in some time.
Shots are ridiculous.
Players run as fast as 90 year olds.
It makes no difference if you play Cristiano Ronaldo or John O'Shea.
Goals are all similar and they give no feeling of achievement when you score.
Yes the idea of having to pass alot to create chances is good but the AI of your team mates ruin it all.
Crossing is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in a football game.
Same goes with corners.
When you try to create a tournament (like CL where you have many teams from various leagues) it takes longer to find and select the teams you want than actually playing the tournament. This is due to the crappy menus which have existed in basically every FIFA game.

There really is only two good things about FIFA 08. The commentary and the licenses but these both have been the good things in FIFA all the time.

This doesn't make PES2008 a good game. It rather means there ain't any good football games around anymore. And considering that EA back in the day made good football games and Konami made too, it is quite an achievement how these two have managed to **** it all up now that they have more cpu power at their disposal than ever before. Hooray!!!!


Club Supporter
Well, I've gone and wasted my money on FIFA, and surprise, surprise...it sucks too. Actually, I'm not too surprised, but I just had a hope.

Judging from your post, i find it hard to believe that you have been a long time fan of the series.
Because pretty much all the faults you list, that actually exists, have been in the series for ages. Why did you buy the new version if those flaws annoys you that much?

If you read my post you'll recognize that my biggest frustration is that Konami continues to ignore these problems year after year. To quote myself:

Well, each year I hope that Konami will fix many things that have made these games more unrealistic over the years. However, it seems that each year most of the issues get worse.

jstyants - If you don't give a ****, why'd you read the post?

If anyone else is looking to switch to FIFA, my recommendation is don't. PES is better. A lot better, but not good enough. Personally, I'm off to COD4. I'm done with both FIFA and PES.


Senior Squad
To be frank, you're a moron. I've played PES and FIFA, actually currently play more FIFA just because I play with my roommate online. With that being said, FIFA is still a horrible simulation of football. There's so much wrong with the AI, especially goalkeeping. Goals are so stale, usually just consisting of wingers running down the sidelines and going towards goal and passing/crossing the ball right in front of the goalkeeper (taking advantage of the glaring AI bugs) and tapping it in. The "cool" special moves don't accomplish much.

Go ahead and play FIFA, but don't do it because you think it's more realistic.


Club Supporter
To be frank, you're a moron.

Apparently you didn't read either of my posts. I never said I thought FIFA would be more realistic.

I haven't owned a FIFA game since FIFA 96, but I'm off to get '08 now. They may not be realistic either, but I'm done with Konami.

In my second post I said clearly that PES is better, just not good enough.

So, to be frank, learn to read.

As I said, Konami has had way too many years to fix the glaring problems with this series. If you don't have a problem with that or you disagree with me, fine. Just say I disagree, and this is why... I stated in the very beginning that all of my complaints are based on my opinion alone.


Club Supporter
I switched from fifa to pes since fifa07

ea possibly has given up pc version since fifa07 because it's a big step back from fifa 06 to 07. and every year i will download fifa and have a try: Maybe 07 is only a exception. this year, i see 08 is more terrible.


Club Supporter
gaim;2443391 said:
I switched from fifa to pes since fifa07

ea possibly has given up pc version since fifa07 because it's a big step back from fifa 06 to 07. and every year i will download fifa and have a try: Maybe 07 is only a exception. this year, i see 08 is more terrible.

Yes Fifa on PC is trash. But this year i've switched back to Fifa for next gen PS3. Pro is terrible on both PC and Ps3 this year. Fifa is the more realitic football game this time around, never thought i'd be able to say a statement like that............


Club Supporter
I agree with mnb128, specially on refering and AI issues. Well, i play both games and i prefer this Fifa 08. BTW, scoring goals on PES 2008 is too easy, for me and for CPU (in highest difficult level). Most of the times, games end with 8,9,10 goals. :S weird hun?