I've been playing WE/PES since WE 7 and have owned every version since. The reason - realistic gameplay. I don't care much about graphics or asthetics. Just give me realistic gameplay. Well, each year I hope that Konami will fix many things that have made these games more unrealistic over the years. However, it seems that each year most of the issues get worse. All of my complaints are based on my own opinion, but I'm sure many of you will agree.
1. AI players on your own team - They're idiots. When they make runs they are typically at the worst moment. They stop runs at the most inoportune times. If the cursor is not on them...forget about defence. In regards to receiving passes, the fact that "supercancel" even exists is proof of that a problem exists with the AI.
2. Refereeing (This could be long) - I'm sick of having my heal clipped as I'm about to take a shot. I can't even count how many times I've been in on the keeper only to have my heal clipped from behind making me "stumble" just so the defensive player can step in front of me and waltz away with the ball.
3. Refereeing 2 (Slide Tackles/Cards) - Why is it than 90% of slide tackles resulting in fouls are carded (this apparently doesn't apply to the CPU)? Why is it that at least 50% of clean tackles are whistled anyway? Konami has had too many years to fix the refereeing and there hasn't been a single improvement in 5 years.
4. CPU - At times the CPU is invincible. Tackle the ball away? Doesn't matter because it deflects to a CPU teammate anyway. Step in front of the CPU to take away the ball? Oops...missed the ball, you stepped right between the ball and the player. Now he continues on toward your net while you scratch your head in confusion and bewilderment. Sometimes the CPU decides it's going to win, and that's all there is to it.
5. Goalkeeping/Rebounds - There are far too many rebounds on both ends. This is something that has steadily gotten worse with the WE/PES franchise. The part that's really frustrating it the fact that the CPU in PES 2008 seems to recover rebounds on their offensive end 75-80% of the time leading to tap in goals. Why don't my AI players recover rebounds at such a high rate? See point #1. This really has become a bad joke with this years game.
6. Passing - When there are two players from your team in the same vacinity and you pass in that direction, the CPU nearly always chooses the wrong player for the recipient. Bad CPU decisions on passes lead to way too many CPU goals.
7. Defense on Corners - It's incredible how often the CPU scores on corners. It's most frustrating when your players doesn't even challenge for the header.
8. Diving/Shirt pulling - The addition of these options is pathetic. Maybe this does add realism, but I don't dive in real life and I won't in a game either. Diving is for people with no integrity. Shirt pulling is trash as well. If you can't win without diving and shirt pulling you deserve to lose. Get better.
I could continue on, but I think you get the idea. I've been loyal to Konami for a long time, but I'm sick of their claim to having the "most realistic" soccer game available. When "most realistic" is this unrealistic I lose my patience. I haven't owned a FIFA game since FIFA 96, but I'm off to get '08 now. They may not be realistic either, but I'm done with Konami. Fix what your fans have wanted fixed for years or I won't be the last to jump ship.
1. AI players on your own team - They're idiots. When they make runs they are typically at the worst moment. They stop runs at the most inoportune times. If the cursor is not on them...forget about defence. In regards to receiving passes, the fact that "supercancel" even exists is proof of that a problem exists with the AI.
2. Refereeing (This could be long) - I'm sick of having my heal clipped as I'm about to take a shot. I can't even count how many times I've been in on the keeper only to have my heal clipped from behind making me "stumble" just so the defensive player can step in front of me and waltz away with the ball.
3. Refereeing 2 (Slide Tackles/Cards) - Why is it than 90% of slide tackles resulting in fouls are carded (this apparently doesn't apply to the CPU)? Why is it that at least 50% of clean tackles are whistled anyway? Konami has had too many years to fix the refereeing and there hasn't been a single improvement in 5 years.
4. CPU - At times the CPU is invincible. Tackle the ball away? Doesn't matter because it deflects to a CPU teammate anyway. Step in front of the CPU to take away the ball? Oops...missed the ball, you stepped right between the ball and the player. Now he continues on toward your net while you scratch your head in confusion and bewilderment. Sometimes the CPU decides it's going to win, and that's all there is to it.
5. Goalkeeping/Rebounds - There are far too many rebounds on both ends. This is something that has steadily gotten worse with the WE/PES franchise. The part that's really frustrating it the fact that the CPU in PES 2008 seems to recover rebounds on their offensive end 75-80% of the time leading to tap in goals. Why don't my AI players recover rebounds at such a high rate? See point #1. This really has become a bad joke with this years game.
6. Passing - When there are two players from your team in the same vacinity and you pass in that direction, the CPU nearly always chooses the wrong player for the recipient. Bad CPU decisions on passes lead to way too many CPU goals.
7. Defense on Corners - It's incredible how often the CPU scores on corners. It's most frustrating when your players doesn't even challenge for the header.
8. Diving/Shirt pulling - The addition of these options is pathetic. Maybe this does add realism, but I don't dive in real life and I won't in a game either. Diving is for people with no integrity. Shirt pulling is trash as well. If you can't win without diving and shirt pulling you deserve to lose. Get better.
I could continue on, but I think you get the idea. I've been loyal to Konami for a long time, but I'm sick of their claim to having the "most realistic" soccer game available. When "most realistic" is this unrealistic I lose my patience. I haven't owned a FIFA game since FIFA 96, but I'm off to get '08 now. They may not be realistic either, but I'm done with Konami. Fix what your fans have wanted fixed for years or I won't be the last to jump ship.