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Star Players


Reserve Team
How many star players do you have? I started off with 3 (as you do), sold one, and bought two foreigners, and the four of them are the only decent players in my team. Below is one of the players i started with... Potential England star of the future ;)


Reserve Team
For some reason, I didn't get 3 "star" players, but 1 superb player (below), and 3 medium-to-good players. Probably better, since the backbone of my team is now pretty strong.

I think if I hadn't have got this guy, I'd have given up on hockey a long time ago. And now he's on 7 form, should be upto 9 by Wednesday, I'm not conceding a lot either. :)


Reserve Team
Sorry about that older pic - he looks even better now, with full form and 2 more play intel balls :D

A year older as well, now training him on stamina.


Senior Squad
Dunno which ones the best. :confused:

EDIT If anyone's interested I'll sell them, because I don't log in very often anyway.


Club Supporter
yo i will buy one of them off you.. you would be crazy not to have them in ur team but if u dont want them i'll have!!.. btw guys i have an awesome keeper and an immense 1st line!! 170th in the world./.watch out the skaterboys are coming!!


Senior Squad
The reason I'm willing to sell them is because I don't even play Hockey anymore. It seems a waste to have these playing for an almost inactive team.


Senior Squad
hmm... maybe I won't sell after all. I've decided to give t'hockey game another go,looking at my players there's a few decent ones so I could do ok :)

Pontefract City

Senior Squad
My new signing after an intense bidding war with a Swede which raised it about 40K but I'm happy, you don't get that many English players as good as this...hell of a lot better than most of my starter players, that's for sure :)