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Stand up if you've won the league! . . . sort of.


Senior Squad
Hey guys. So I play in a co-rec league. My team finished top of the league. But in order to make it "official," there's a "championship game." This will be played against the second place team, who we have already beaten twice.

Why do Americans do this? It's ridiculous. Look at baseball. You play 162 games, but ultimately those don't count for much. You have to go on and win a best-of-five and two best-of-seven series against teams you already did better than, in order to claim the "World Series." So you don't have to be the best - you only have to be one of the best eight and hope for an upset. I like the European way. You do the best during the season? You win.
It isa kinda ridiculous. Like in the MLS, 8 out of the 10 tewams make the playoofs, so its basically not a fiht for 1st its a only a fight not to be on the bottom. My summer league does it the european way and I like it. My school soccer doesnt though, they have sectionals, then regionals, then finally states.


Fan Favourite
Here in Canada, when i used to play in houseleague. My team lost just 2 games i think and won all the other games with huge scorelines, so in the league standings we finished first by like 12-16 points, but then after that there is always a tournament at the end of the season kind of like Champions League format, which actually gives away cups for the winners and medals for 2nd and 3rd. So after leading the whole season, we had to start from zero and won all group stage matches, only for some other team to injure 5 of our players in the semifinal, have immense luck and draw 3-3 after 120 min and then beat us on penalty kicks 4-3, because there was almost nobody left uninjuried that was a penalty kick taker :nape:


Senior Squad
AHHHHH yes houseleague i remember those days!Im in A now and we are in second and have to chance of makin it to first place.But then we have this tournament called the Presidents cup which are like playoffs but of which all the teams participate in.So for the whole summer you've wasted your time just to start from the starting bord when september comes! :kader:


Fan Favourite
I was once champions too btw (H) We had an ownage team. Here in the Netherlands the youth plays 2 competitions each year: 1 winter and 1 summer. Both were 11 matches that season. In the winter season we won all 11, scoring 98 goals and conceding 5 (H)


Starting XI
Ive always had sh1t teams in my 3 years of soccer experience in Canada. :boohoo: (except for last winter's futsal season, my team was the best and only lost 1 game all season but one idiot screwed us over in the end-of-season tournament and we finished 3rd, stupid Canadian sh1t)

Before that I wasn't good enough to make any serious teams in China, becuz they were too poor to have any community-type everybody-involved leagues. :boohoo:

loser > me :kader: :hump:

Dan the monkey

Hah my team were facking legends when I was 8, 9 then 10, won the league every year, but always finished 2nd in bastad cups, this was all 6-a-side by the way. Then turned 11 and started playing 11-a-side, ended up relagated that season and all best players left, next 5 seasons came just outside promotion everytime, bloody ell why don't I jus leave them.


Senior Squad
Just so you don't get the wrong impression, we're in like an extremely amatuer division. Lots of beginners. The one advantage of this system is that we get an extra game for the same team fee, which is nice. And if we win this, I'll just start saying we won the league AND the cup :)


Reserve Team
We just recently won the league, was a good feeling. We played the 2nd team and who ever took the 3 points won the league, we won 2 - 0. And at the end of the game they started a huge brawl, sore loosers (H). So we ended up 6 points clear, we had a bit of a celebrate, but we are only 15 so cant legally get drunk in the change rooms after we won :p


Reserve Team
my younger brother won his league last saturday by 3 points, was good as it came down to the last game of the season, my team were relegated though because the seniors came second last but in the reserves we did pretty well, will be in an easier league next year though


Youth Team
Won a junior league when I was 8 and won the 4th division when I was 18. Though I was injured for the last games of the that season. But scored a few nice goals. So it was mint.