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Stadium Requests Thread


Youth Team
Is there anyone who is willing to convert stadiums from FIFA07 to FIFA16?
I have multiple African and Asian stadiums :)


Club Supporter
Flamengo, New Stadium, "Arena da Ilha"- Ilha do Governador, RJ

Flamengo, New Stadium, "Ilha do Urubu"- Ilha do Governador, RJ



Club Supporter
Hello, I would like to request the "Campeón del Siglo" Stadium of the "Club Atlético Peñarol" of Uruguay, it is the best and most modern stadium in Uruguay and one of the best in South America, it was inaugurated in 2016 and has capacity for 42000, Sorry for my English, I speak Spanish, regards.


Club Supporter
Hello I would like to know if they can correct the stadium of Pacaembu-BRA put adboards fixed and move away a little the ones that stay
I need someone to put the Watford (vicarage road) and Bournemouth (Dean Court) stadiums from fifa 16 for me to install on fifa 15 because I can not find these stadiums to complete my Premier League Please, someone would link the two stadiums thank you very much.


Youth Team
Do you have a link? Stadiums for FIFA 15 works in FIFA 16.

Nope. He doesnt want to share it :md:
Model is perfect, same as other of his stadiums


fabio viana

todos os bons amigos !!! Eu tenho um estádio pronto no liquidificador, mas não tenho conhecimento suficiente para converter, alguém poderia fazer esse processo? Seriam amigos muito gratos