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simo's kits ...taking requests...


Senior Squad
here are my first 2 kits, from the a-league
Queensland Roar (fantasy puma)


i am taking requests but be patient, i am only new to kit making so each kit takes time
Kawasaki ZN1300A


Senior Squad
i dont think anyone has made this kit for fifa 07 yet
Blackpool FC

i couldnt find any pictures of the sponsor so i have left the front blank.

away to follow soon
Honda RC161


Starting XI
I don't really know about the others mate, but I'm not that crazy about it. You might want to check the kit and minikit textures thread and maybe find one that you like...

Have you seen the kits in my thread? I love the template that I use (or that Pit1991 uses), do you like it too? It's pretty popular around here...if you want I could send it to you...

Maybe I could give you a couple that I have...


Starting XI

as you see I mentioned the template too...I think if you sent him yours it would make a difference for sure.


Senior Squad
Interista13;2398129 said:
I don't really know about the others mate, but I'm not that crazy about it. You might want to check the kit and minikit textures thread and maybe find one that you like...

Have you seen the kits in my thread? I love the template that I use (or that Pit1991 uses), do you like it too? It's pretty popular around here...if you want I could send it to you...

Maybe I could give you a couple that I have...

that would be great if you could send me the ones you use! thanks
yamaha tech


Senior Squad
simo_yes;2397787 said:
i dont think anyone has made this kit for fifa 07 yet
Blackpool FC

i couldnt find any pictures of the sponsor so i have left the front blank.

away to follow soon

good kit mate.
the design looks familiar isn`t ?
it`s a mix between adidas and Colombian national team lotto design.
but...it`s a nice kit.


Club Supporter
hey mate i got 2 requests

1 the new qld roar home jersey
2 the new melbounre victory home jersey
3 Wellington Home jereys

here are some pics of it
Melbournes Pics

heres the design for the back just use that blackish colour the jersey as well




Starting XI
The kits seem much nicer now, and btw, is that a new template you're using, because it looks really familiar ;)

However, imo, I think I see that the logos look like they've been plastered on the kit. When making a kit, you should put a layer template on Multiply at the very top and at the bottom the rest (logos, color...) as Normal: each logo will take the form of the template...

But nice kits though!


Senior Squad
Interista13;2399287 said:
The kits seem much nicer now, and btw, is that a new template you're using, because it looks really familiar ;)

However, imo, I think I see that the logos look like they've been plastered on the kit. When making a kit, you should put a layer template on Multiply at the very top and at the bottom the rest (logos, color...) as Normal: each logo will take the form of the template...

But nice kits though!

haha yes it is! thank you for that btw! glad it makes the kits look better... and about the logo's, i already do what you said! so im not sure what the problem is
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