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Sickest Goal You've Ever Scored


Club Supporter
I think the coolest goal I've ever scored was in a HS game. It was 1-1. and There were 5 minutes to go and I had came out. So I'm just leaning back relaxing on the bench when on of my teammates gets tripped outside the box and comes off.
The free kick is about at the top of the arc on the penalty box.

Here is the goal -----------------------
Here is the GK X
The wall XXXXXX

The ball o

The keeper thought I was goin over the wall, he left early and I hit the ball and it went in the side netting (low) and he was late coming back and I drained it to win. It was pretty awesome, we ended up winning (of course) 2-1.

I wanna hear about some of everyone's goals, feel free to brag.


Reserve Team
Must've been when I played little league or what to call it when you only play seven men/boys on the field

I played leftback in a 2-2-2 formation and I took the ball from our penalty area and ran across the whole field shaking off 3 defenders(wich means half the other team) and then I put the ball between the Goalies leg :D

That was a awesome moment ;)


Youth Team
I shot, the keeper save but came in return, i walk from the goal turned 90` and shoot!! Right in the top corner!


Youth Team
Last year I scored a solo run goal. I had played left wing and scored 1 goal already and then the coach made a substitution and I went to play left back. I got the ball in our own half and I just went for it. I evaded a few tackles and I saw the last defender was gonna make a slider so I tapped the ball of the ground and jumped over his legs and I was 1 on 1 vs the keeper and just coolly slotted it home to the keepers left.

I scored from 50 yards when I was about 14. The ball went in from the keepers head. :D
When I hit the shot someone said "Its there" and after a moment it was.

Joe Star

Starting XI
I scored this superb goal the other day. An attacker running down the left crossed the ball into the penalty area. I stuck out my right leg, met the cross & fired it straight into the top left corner. The keeper couldnt do anything :D. The thing is.....i was a defender & it was into my own goal.....:( Hehe either way its the sickest i've scored apart from a 30 yard lob :p


Club Supporter
I know what ya mean. I was at practice and I had this cross coming at me and I had nowhere to play the ball, and like the idiot I was I thought I could head it away around my goal, however I was at the top of my box looking to head around the far post, yeah I put in the corner, was cool, but not for my team.

Also, during another practice we were working on crossing the ball across the penalty area (on the ground) so anyways I over ran the ball and came back to it, I hooked my right foot around it and put a load of right spin on it and it went up and dropped in the corner, it was pretty cool, especially since I was trying to just put it on frame. Lucky me huh?:confused:


Uhmm. It was from the half of the field. The GK was 10 m out of the goal. So i took a shot. Right Top Corner :D


Fan Favourite
mine was kinda the same. exept that i was like 10m after the midfield. "this guy" tackled me, and while i was falling, i managed to kick the ball. but it wasnt a regular shot. the ball went way up high and when it came down, it went in right in the top left corner. the keeper just kept looking up to watch the ball and when he got his gloves on it, it was already in, and i was in the floor amazed and all my teammates saying "you lucky son of a b¡tch" hehe. we ended up winning like 7-1 that game, with another goal from me. also a great goal. it was an olympic goal (direct from a corner) but i gotta admit that this keeper was small (the other team changed keepers at halftime) but 2 defenders couldnt clear the ball out before the ball reached the goal so it was all fair :)
good times

i miss playing :(


forgot to post this pic i made jeje


Starting XI
In a 6 on 6 match with my friends my friend crossed it was amazing in the first place cause he blows, and my other friend headed it up. When it came down my foot was right there and it blasted off the keepers shoulder and in.


Senior Squad
probably one of my best goals from a move was a breakaway after nutmegging a defender. i came in on the keeper who came out at the 12, i started to do a "lift-chip" where you just flick it up with all of your foot, and when he dove to where the ball was going, i pulled it back out of the air to my left and went right, and walked it into the goal. brilliant.

i've scored a lot of headed crosses, the best one was when the cross came from the goal line and i was at the 18, and the keeper was about 5-6 yards out and i just headed it over him into the side netting.


Youth Team
the maddest goal i've ever scored is a beautiful cross by my friend from the right wing falling perfectly towards me being behind d penalty spot about 2 metres away and scoring a magnificent sideways scissor kick. I could'nt believe it. My other favourite goal was from halfway, the ball came rolling to me the keeper was of his line, i gave it most my power and lobbed the keeper into top left corner, it was hella curling. Yeah i'm proud!


Club Supporter
Ive scored directly off of 2 corner kicks. The funny part was the 2 teams i did it against there were opponents on the near and far posts, the best about them was they went in on the ground!


Youth Team
I was practicing dead balls at the local park and i scored this ripper in the top corner -

Me not to scale :D


Youth Team
best goal, (well it was goals actually), was when i was playing for my Div 1 reserves side and i was sitting out the first 30 minutes on the bench. Then the coach made a sub n i had 2 go on the left wing where the previous player on our team had been doing a good job. I had a lot to live up to as he had been playing well and we were 1-0 down. Ne way i played a quick 1-2 almost as soon as i came on and smashed the **** outta the ball from 25 yards. Luckily i hit it perfectly and it went straight and hard into the top left hand corner. i was so stoked. bout 2 minutes later, i latched onto a thru ball and with my left foot from about 16 yards put it across the goal keeper and in off the post (michael owen F.A. Cup 2001 style). I was ecstatitic. Unfortunately we didnt win the game 2-1 but drew it 2-2 but it was well wikid!


Reserve Team
We had a corner, and it was played short on the edge of the box to my mate, he then layed it toward the semi circle, I ran in and kicked it so sweetly, got reverse swing and beat the goalkeeper and 4 defenders all ends up.

This other goal, I turned with my first touch and beat two defenders, I then took it past another defender and shot from 30 yards flat, keeper never stood a chance. Its moments like these I wish I played up front.


Senior Squad
3 "sickest" goals ive ever scored go as follows:


this goal came off a free kick. my teammate swung the ball across(from the right)the field about 5-10 yards outside the box to where i was unmarked. i caught the ball on the volley with my right foot and drove the ball with a little dip into the top right corner of the net, keeper didnt move. seriously a once in a life time volley


this goal came off a corner kick. the ball was driven in low, a teammate pulled a dummy drawing the defender and i was left unmarked at the top of the box cause i trailed the corner, the ball bounced once or twice and i caught it with a left footed volley and drove it about 4 feet off the ground right inside the post beating the outstretch keeper.


this goal was in indoor with my highschool team, and i played with this amazing guy he was a genius. so he started a dribble from about center on the leftside and megged his man into middle, i was moving into the top of the box stopped my run, he layed the ball off to me, i had a defender on my back so i flicked the ball up turned and gave it the backheel over the head of the defender, gave a little pull on his shorts as i turned so he i would get there first(used him as leverage) and caught the ball after the first bounce and placed it over the keepers left arm.


Senior Squad
Well i got 3 first im 10 yards out i shot a shot its going out and the keeper gets a glove to it but it spins off his glove back into the net.

2nd i lob the keeper from half line

3rd corner is taken it doesnt take a bounce i hit first time and goes in top left


Senior Squad
my sickest goal was a rebound from me into empty goal after goalkeeper wanted to shoot out the ball.
my best goal was a first time half volley from a cornerkick..


Senior Squad
my best goal was my last game...it was the equaliser

i took it on my chest after one bounce, then, before it hit the ground again, i half bicycle kicked it (very lightly) over the keeper.... it came off exactly how i wanted it