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Scoring own goals


Team Captain
How many of you have scored own goals before? Last week during Physical Education period, I played 7-a-side game with my buds and I scored two own goals (shock, horror). The first one is disputable, I tried to block the ball on the line and the ball went in so it might not be an own goal. The second one was inevitable. The opposing player crossed from the other team's right and I tried to prevent it reaching the the opposing player behind me. I tried to clear it with my right foot and I was sliding in. To me horror, I diverted the ball into the net and it was inches from hitting the post.

What are some of the own goals you scored before?


Fan Favourite
Never scored an own goal in an official match, on training matches Ive made quite some own goals though, my worse was when an opponent shot the ball and I tried to head it, but it was too high, and I could only slightly touched it, because of that it changed direction and went in the top corner


Fan Favourite
On official match never scored on. There was a day i was just playing football at some court and i scored 3 though. In the day, not in a match. One the guy crossed a ball and it hit me and gone in. The second i was running after a guy and i got my foot to the ball to tackle him, and the ball went in. The 3rd was just like the first. It was appaling.


Starting XI
I scored one in an official match before, a ball came to me and i gave it a little push upward to the keeper who bobbled it and eventually dropped it into the net. My coach was livid and took me off within the minute it occured.


i scored some own goals through the years..:p(playin with my friends, i mean) this one time, a guy from the other team made a lob from his defence and i tried to intercept it in the midfield by jumping and touching it with my foot, but the ball rebounced towards my goal and it passed up the keeper that was a bit out of goal(coz he was going to try to intercept it to) everybody started clappin n' stuff :ewan:


Starting XI
i once put it in our goal by trying to clear it off the line. i tried a bycicle kick but slip on the mud...


ive never scored an own goal, whether its training or official matches, unless you count deflections, but i never have redirected it so I dont think they count

Joe Star

Starting XI
I've scored my own fair share of own goals........seeing that i play defence & rarely go up, i think my score of own goals is more than my score of goals :(


Make America Great Again
I scored an own goal when my club team went to Germany and played against some of the German teams. The best team we played beat us maybe 2-0 or 3-0, but one of the goals was mine :(

I was playing left wing and tracked back on defense as the ball was getting ran up our right side by their team. The cross came in, right to me (and there was little pressure on me, but I was still in a hurry) and I just kicked it and the ball hit my foot awkwardly and went right in to the goal. The worst part is how your teammates look at you right after and you really feel like you let them down. Of course I'm a vocal kind of leader/player, so if someone is playing poorly I'll let them know, so it's not like the guy who yelled at me right after was in the wrong or anything.
It seems that a lot of own goals in Professional matches are really good gaols just in the wronf net. I remeber in the 03/04 CL in the round of 16. There was only one goaled scored in both legs between Chelsea and Stuttgart, and that was an own goal by Stuttgart. Someone on Chelsea crossed it in on the right flank a Stuttgart defender slide to clear the ball but ended up toe poking it inot the net really hard.


Big Daddy
Funniest own goal I scored was in training when I was a kid. It had been snowing and the astropitch was slippery as cartillage. I was midway in my own half, on the right touchline and I put my full weight behind the ball to hoof it upfield. However my foot slipped, I fell back and executed a picture perfect bicycle kick which happened to rocket into my own net :fool:



Starting XI
Never scored an own goal in an official match, on training matches Ive made quite some own goals though, my worse was when an opponent shot the ball and I tried to head it, but it was too high, and I could only slightly touched it, because of that it changed direction and went in the top corner

Just as good as Cygan (H)


Senior Squad
scored one in an official match.....all the defenders in my team f*cked off ahead and i was the only one remaining. There were four of their players, two behind me one ahead and the other with the ball. I tried to intercept the pass which was 2 far for me so i slid in but it took my toe and went in. I din' get substituted since it wasn't my fault cuz if i would've let it go they would have scored. The coach blamed it on the other defenders who din' bother runnin back after goin ahead. :kader:


Reserve Team
i play reserves in victorian leagues in australia and i didnt score an own goal but they did intercept one of my passes and went on to score and beat us 1-0 so it felt pretty bad although i have had a pretty good season and on of the guys in the seniors scored two own goals a couple of weeks back which is worse


Reserve Team
I was playing against Portsmouth last year, and i did a roundhouse kick, volleying the ball with my heel from a sick angle, right past my own keeper and into the net.

Oh wait...that's right...i'm not Tony Popovic (H)

KAKA 500

not like this week in the mexican league, there were 3 own goals in three goals. One of them look like the one that the Colombian player from 94' scored (N)