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Fan Favourite
mem89;2961345 said:

- is this to camera patch only or change alot of things

well.it enhances the graphic detail in the same...not only camera..but players and the lighting.

- any lag with game online

i wouldn't be able to say..but as far as offline play is concerned..there aren't any lags.
- i want skysport channel scoreboard in your screen in page 1

search the mods forum. i got that scoreboard from there.you can download it from there.


Youth Team
jeetmusic;2961489 said:
well.it enhances the graphic detail in the same...not only camera..but players, crowd and the lighting.

i wouldn't be able to say..but as far as offline play is concerned..there aren't any lags.

search the mods forum. i got that scoreboard from there.you can download it from there.

jeetmusic, not response about camera angles? i answered what you ask.


Fidel Gameplay

Senior Squad
@ jeetmusic and everyone on this good thread....
you have all rights to use my string below:

The Doctor76;2989389 said:
How did you increase the chants volume? Mine are still far too quiet.

for fix the blurred image (with new icecameras!): settings.lua with DOF OFF is needed/required!!
read the info file or more tips!!!!
THanks for try HG 4 SERIES!!!
EDIT: for chants volume:

try to add this string on rna.ini


(this string is not crowd reacitions values, but is the chants main volume, very easy to adjust, values between 0 to unknown (100?).

and it work

thanks to everyone!!!


Club Supporter
hi i think we all like be a pro so i will try to find patches or create for this amzing mod and you can help me


Club Supporter
is possible to play with tele camera with the goal angle more open like dynamic camera ?


Youth Team
thank you very much for uploading different file versions rna.ini. I could edit it and get to a camera that I like. This has made ​​me even more like the fifa 11. I still modified and tested. Greetings

muchas gracias por subir las distintas versiones del archivo rna.ini. Pude editarlo y lograr poner una camara que me guste. Esto ha hecho que me guste aún mas el fifa 11. Aún sigo modificandolo y probando. saludos


Club Supporter
is it possible to make the game set to very low settings but with 3D grass on ? or atleast tell me how to do it please :)


Reserve Team
welo78;3019194 said:
is it possible to make the game set to very low settings but with 3D grass on ? or atleast tell me how to do it please :)

Set the game settings to high, then download LODsettings, then replace very low graphic(performance files from LODsettings to fifa 11 game folder, and then run fifa regenerator (Y)


Club Supporter
Uzair;3019257 said:
Set the game settings to high, then download LODsettings, then replace very low graphic(performance files from LODsettings to fifa 11 game folder, and then run fifa regenerator (Y)

i did what you told me but it didnt work ... set it to high ... downloaded ... i had to create a new folder in data/fifarna/ui or something like that placed it there runned the regenerator ... and it didnt work

Fidel Gameplay

Senior Squad
welo78;3019945 said:
i did what you told me but it didnt work ... set it to high ... downloaded ... i had to create a new folder in data/fifarna/ui or something like that placed it there runned the regenerator ... and it didnt work

hello bro!!! you have HG installed? I think yes!!
...put your favorite setting.lua on HYBRID folder, apply HG and regenerate with i68!!!!

For easy install your favorited LOD settings: first add your setting.lua (compatible with 1.1 Official patch) file on folder on FIFA 11\Game\HYBRID, now re-start INSTALL HYBRID.exe on \Game folder, setup automatic add LOD on data0.big! Settings.lua with DOF on OFF required for HG icecameras (Blurred image fix)!!

for more info check my info txt!!!

let me know!!!

bye bye


Club Supporter
as you probably know the 3d turf at night rain matches is more saturated than in night non rain matches when you zoom in. do you know if its possible to make the 3d turf at night clear matches look the same as if it would rain?


Club Supporter
rna.ini doubts

Hi to all,
I have some doubts:
1. rna.ini is a file in data7.big? or do you add a new one?
2. You have to edit withFinalBig?
3. Is it possible to edit half time length?, and maybe enable more than 2 simultaneous gamepads? editing rna.ini?

Thanks for your help.