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Fan Favourite
Staff member
Bayern Munich Home Kit 20/21 (Collar 7 // Default Crest // Use Included Coeffs and Normals; default otherwise):


Hey Mate, i have a question about those Bundesliga Referee Kits you did some pages ago.

I'm currently doing real faces for some of germans well-knwon refs and i'm providing the faces in a single mod. am i allowed to include the kits you did over there aswell? everything is 'non profit ofc, just some "bundesliga experience" type of mod :D

here's a preview of deniz aytekin just to prrove to you i'm not joking about that or have bad intentions.



Fan Favourite
Staff member
Hey Mate, i have a question about those Bundesliga Referee Kits you did some pages ago.

I'm currently doing real faces for some of germans well-knwon refs and i'm providing the faces in a single mod. am i allowed to include the kits you did over there aswell? everything is 'non profit ofc, just some "bundesliga experience" type of mod :D

here's a preview of deniz aytekin just to prrove to you i'm not joking about that or have bad intentions.

Of course. Sounds like a great mod! Anything I post belongs to the community, so feel free to use any of my uploads :)
Hi Ries, is possible to have the third Chelsea kit with the black socks? that orange socks are orrible… XD


  • Chelsea-vs-Ajax-CL1.jpg
    50.6 KB · Views: 203
Love your work mate. Your tutorials are great too. Can you do one on how to create 'normal' files please? I haven't a clue where to start with those, my Photoshop skills are still a way behind yours at the mo.


Fan Favourite
Staff member
Hi Ries, is possible to have the third Chelsea kit with the black socks? that orange socks are orrible… XD

I rather like the orange socks, but I guess I could make them black for you. Or... you check out my color changing tutorial in this forum. I explain how to do exactly what you are requesting. Let me know if you are going to try or if you want me to make them

Is it possible to change the color of the goal net

Yes. You can find the net color in frosty under content/worlds/goal/textures/pattern. The one entitled 'goalpattern_0_color' is the one to edit to replace the white net; but it will do so globally

Love your work mate. Your tutorials are great too. Can you do one on how to create 'normal' files please? I haven't a clue where to start with those, my Photoshop skills are still a way behind yours at the mo.

Thanks for the kind words! I was in the process of making one for normals and then I got sidetracked. I am happy to finish it

France Away Shirt....chicken is slightly on the high side. needs bringing down just a little bit

Thanks for the heads up... I will correct it for the next release. The release today does include an updated and improved France home kit (with corrected shorts and socks)


Fan Favourite
Staff member
I am finally releasing my updated NT Kits AIO. I have corrected and made improvements on a number of kits, as well as added quite a few. These are the kits I added today:

Norway Home/Away and GK Kits 2020 (H/A Collar 7 and GK Collar 0 // Blank Crests // Use Included Coeffs and Normals):

