fbmod please this can ballAgain... be specific. Do you want the textures or an fbmod. If it’s the latter, what ball do you want it to replace?
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fbmod please this can ballAgain... be specific. Do you want the textures or an fbmod. If it’s the latter, what ball do you want it to replace?
Hey RiesscarAgain... be specific. Do you want the textures or an fbmod. If it’s the latter, what ball do you want it to replace?
hey man! quality stuff here! congrats!
i have a question. what is the best and easiest way to edit kit number colors? only by manually changing value in teamkits.txt?? how do you know what number to put there in order to match the desired color? i'm sure there is a easy way that i'm not aware of ...
Hey Riesscar
any news about the kits for Beiter and Maccabi Haifa
No problem if you need another good quality photos i will find as well.It slipped my mind. Let me take another look. I need quality source photos unless it's standard teamware
@riesscar are you there ?fbmod please this can ball
Hi Ries, i'm so sorry, but could you refresh your balls file, please?
Hi Ries, i'm so sorry, but could you refresh your balls, please?
thank you so much @riesscar but this is not what i want ı need this ball replica:22 as fbmod please
Here is the project file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1c0kwMmnyt6h-qo6kOKGBt2dSyr-ZRrWB
Here is the fbmod: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1N7Ps8CVe0k1H0vSjPLy4WqfiMY4MhFX0
@riesscar hello bro can you send ucl final madrid ball ? as fbmod or like it photo ?
thanks for your reply! no need for tutorial, i know how to update rgbs in teamkits ... i was thinking that it's e easy way, a tool etc.
another thing please: how does the coordinates hotspots works? i've tried to move the short crest in a 1000 ways but i don't figure out how. for example i was thinking that if I change the Y value, the crest is going up / down. welll ... wrong! .. it becomes bigger / smaller in height. do you know what is the catch with x / y / z /w ? for example if I want to move the short number 10 cm upper what should i edit?
regards! Daniel
sorry if i was misunderstood ı have fifa 20 but ı need this ball as fbmod ı would be grateful if you could help - for fifa 20But this is what you said you wanted. This brings us back to the whole "be specific" thing... except this time you were and specified the wrong ball. Do you not own Fifa 20?
This ball is already in FIFA 20 matesorry if i was misunderstood ı have fifa 20 but ı need this ball as fbmod ı would be grateful if you could help - for fifa 20
how can i do as fbmod?This ball is already in FIFA 20 mate
Okay... here is the 20-21 AIO beta release. It contains kit assumptions based on leaked info. This version contains:
Juventus: Home and Away
PSG: Home and Third
Barcelona: Home, Away and Third
Inter: Third
Roma: Home
Arsenal: Home
Tottenham: Home
Atletico M: Home
Real Madrid: Home
Manchester United: Home
Manchester City: Home
Here is the fbmod: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1omsfqt3Jlj-VOWjK03yLqPmfTBhM_Der
Here is the teamkits file (note that if you do not use my general AIO and NT AIO, you may want to simply import the table into a second RDBM window and copy the values): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eG2tBmsPC7itB7KkrEPFkY0TbNX6xwqw
Finally, I added Roma's home kit at the last minute. For such a seemingly simple kit design I had a rough go of it. The shirt texture looks strange but works in-game quite well. I just couldn't and can't figure out a way to make the lines continue onto the sleeves and wrap around without connecting them in the way that I did. Anyway, it'll improve as more info comes out.
Roma Home Kit 20/21 (Collar 0 // Blank Crest // Use Included Coeffs or else use Default):
@riesscarsorry if i was misunderstood ı have fifa 20 but ı need this ball as fbmod ı would be grateful if you could help - for fifa 20