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MODS Revolta for FC 25(FUT, Icons, Heroes and more)

Another year of Revolta Mod. For now Alpha version to quickly mark our place on the mod-market. The goal for now is to convert everything from past version and add more Icons and Heroes for all-time teams to finish them off. With Cranium system it will surely be more fun even if some players does not have real face made. This will be hard-working year and I'm pretty sure the mod will grow finally to initial plans!

What is Revolta Mod?
Revolta Mod is a FC 25 Mod that adds all FUT Icons and Heroes. I'm aiming for more stuff added including All Time best ofs Icons, WC, European Championship, FUT mode etc.

Why is it even created?
The point is EA's way of handling their most popular modes is underwhelming. Also I feel like with no licenses limits bs, we can achieve a lot more fun stuff than we actually get in FUT. It's worth using modding knowledge to extend who we can play in EA FC!

Where in game can I find added content?
It will be added to custom teams somewhere in custom league. For now it's only Squad File with unlocked Icons and Heroes. They can be found in Rest of World. Be sure to transfer them to clubs of your choice as for now Free Agents club crash the game.

How to install?
To install type %appdata% in Windows Explorer address window and put Squad File into ...\AppData\Local\EA SPORTS FC 25\settings.

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Revolta Early Alpha - FUT Icons & Heroes Squad File

For now it's only Squad File. Modding is not yet there and we wait for the possibilities. Be sure to transfer Icons & Heroes from Free Agents to clubs of your choice, as FA is crashing the game for now.


  • FUT Icons & Heroes Squad File - unlocked all icons and heroes from FUT(+Błaszczykowski)
  • Women & Men Mashup - unlocked possibility of playing with women against men

To install You have to type %appdata% into Windows Explorer address bar and put it in ...\AppData\Local\EA SPORTS FC 25\settings folder and then load squads in game! Added players are in Free Agents team in Rest Of World.


-no possibility to transfer women in club transfers menu
-Free Agents team crashing in Squads menu - hence need to transfer players out in Transfers Menu
Excuse me brother, Alex Morgan doesn't appear on your roster anymore since he retired in real life. Is there no possibility of putting her as a free agent or something like that? and Maradona is not in the game database bro?
Excuse me brother, Alex Morgan doesn't appear on your roster anymore since he retired in real life. Is there no possibility of putting her as a free agent or something like that? and Maradona is not in the game database bro?
I soon will make update with more content hopefully. Modding this year is not kind at all, many problems for no reasons. Also I am helping another guy who makes something similar to what I always wanted to do(I've been looking for such competent guy for 4 years), so I can't give ETA on when really what is coming.
Is the free agent bug fixed ?
No, the mod will look for new release I guess after new year. I still have very basic concepts but want to make something huge nobody seen yet. There will be a lot of difficulties, but it's not only my work this time and I have to work with other people for making new solutions. We will see what time will tell about it, but in general I want to create something similar to Ultimate Team with user interface, gamemodes etc. It happens that there is idea of similar project with one guy that actually can build framework for this to happen. I wouldn't be able to achieve it without him, so can't really say when it will be done.