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"Realism" mod

I wanted to tell you that in recent months I've been working on a personal project for fifa 16 that I'd be willing to share with you if you're interested. it's a sort of ''atmosphere/realism mod'' in which to make the vision more realistic I set the values of the nets, pitch and camera similar to reality. sadly as we know camera modding is very limited on fifa 16, so i was able to find a lot of variety in height, but very little variety in angle. I can say with certainty that the low and medium-low height cameras are all almost perfect, but as mentioned before, many of these being replay based, I found little variety in the angle of the high shots. However, playing with the zoom I tried to deceive the angular perspective and try to get the result that was as close as possible to that type of framing. I did a very painstaking and meticulous job to apply this technique and I spent most of my free time, but unfortunately achieving perfection was impossible and I still hope that it can appear an acceptable result in realistic terms. As for some shots, especially those with a very far angle, I had to use the ''broadcast high'' package which has a bug (which isn't a real bug since it's a replay camera) where the shot bends when the ball passes from the center of the field, but close to the goal, the result is very pleasant. As for the nets, also in this case there was a limitation but I tried to do my best to make everything as close to reality as possible. as for the pitch, these are actually very variable in real life but they have been set to what they looked like when I created the package, and the same goes for the nets.

SOME EXAMPLES (I register with my mobile because if I do it with the pc it goes haywire)










SOME ''DIFFICULT JOB'' EXAMPLE (however these are the minority)


B. 'Gladbach

Einthracht Frankfurt





right now I have completed the first 5 European leagues (premier, liga, bundesliga, serie a, ligue 1) but I plan to complete everything with the remaining teams of ucl, uel and conference. maybe even some South American team and the rest of the world.
If you are interested in the release of a mod please reply to this thread. However to respect each team package it is necessary to restart the game, but with the system I implemented it takes very little to set it up.
I wanted to tell you that in recent months I've been working on a personal project for fifa 16 that I'd be willing to share with you if you're interested. it's a sort of ''atmosphere/realism mod'' in which to make the vision more realistic I set the values of the nets, pitch and camera similar to reality. sadly as we know camera modding is very limited on fifa 16, so i was able to find a lot of variety in height, but very little variety in angle. I can say with certainty that the low and medium-low height cameras are all almost perfect, but as mentioned before, many of these being replay based, I found little variety in the angle of the high shots. However, playing with the zoom I tried to deceive the angular perspective and try to get the result that was as close as possible to that type of framing. I did a very painstaking and meticulous job to apply this technique and I spent most of my free time, but unfortunately achieving perfection was impossible and I still hope that it can appear an acceptable result in realistic terms. As for some shots, especially those with a very far angle, I had to use the ''broadcast high'' package which has a bug (which isn't a real bug since it's a replay camera) where the shot bends when the ball passes from the center of the field, but close to the goal, the result is very pleasant. As for the nets, also in this case there was a limitation but I tried to do my best to make everything as close to reality as possible. as for the pitch, these are actually very variable in real life but they have been set to what they looked like when I created the package, and the same goes for the nets.

SOME EXAMPLES (I register with my mobile because if I do it with the pc it goes haywire)










SOME ''DIFFICULT JOB'' EXAMPLE (however these are the minority)


B. 'Gladbach

Einthracht Frankfurt





right now I have completed the first 5 European leagues (premier, liga, bundesliga, serie a, ligue 1) but I plan to complete everything with the remaining teams of ucl, uel and conference. maybe even some South American team and the rest of the world.
If you are interested in the release of a mod please reply to this thread. However to respect each team package it is necessary to restart the game, but with the system I implemented it takes very little to set it up.
I am interested, all the best for this
Hello FOLKS. Here I am back with the completed mod.

Here the link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/a4571svi5i59ilu/realism+mod.zip/file

Now I will explain step by step how to do it. But first of all, specify what you need:
• Paps stadium servers
• DB Master
In reality, the operation is very simple, there are 3 easy steps. However, to achieve this, you must first replace and insert the two files indicated in the folder with db master:

At this point there will be some paths that you will have to create following the example of those I created, through direct links to the game folder, and they will concern the package of camera, the pitch and the nets.


The first thing you will have to do is for each type of camera to have a direct link to your ''muse" folder in ''bcdata'', in which you will delete (remember to backup the files) the current camera to replace it with the new one. Don't be fooled by the names of the cameras, they are just fictitious and have nothing to do with the teams.


In the pitch folder instead you will find the pitches I use, if you like them you can overwrite yours but always remember to make a backup.
Finally, in the net folder you will find not only the indications for the nets but also for the camera. As far as the nets are concerned, I have also left some material if you want to try to make packages to your liking.
Anyway, here as you can see it is important that you link your cl.ini.


It is essential that you replace the ''goalnet'' folder with that of your game.
After that it will be child's play, just go to the ''porte'' folder and follow the instructions. A porte package looks like this:


Note that in the last reference you may find a slash with another number, that number is none other than the team id and I simply forgot to omit it, the one that counts is always the first digit.

At this point it will be enough to load the stadium with the pap's stadium server, follow the instructions and the game will be done.
Note that you will need to restart the game to edit camera, nets and pitch, but camera and pitch won't be needed.

I know it's a bit cumbersome and not completely fluid path, but I'm not a modder. However once you learn the mechanism it is a very immediate process. I also enclose the anth filters you requested.

Try it and let me know what you think.

I accept requests for packages from other teams.



Youth Team
It's sound interesting.
About the nets modifications, each stadium could have your own nets values, right?
Is it applied to the custons stadium too or only for default?
Last edited:
It's sound interesting.
About the nets modifications, each stadium could have your own nets values, right?
Is it applied to the custons stadium too or only for default?
Its applied for the stadium assigned to the team that is only used for the camera shot, so with stadium server you will have the correct stadium loaded (or the one that you prefer) with the correct camera and net configuration for the team


Youth Team
I must put these folders in the FIFA16 folder?


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Youth Team
The porte is in the net folder, right? Where do I must to put the Net folder?
It's very confused.
The porte is in the net folder, right? Where do I must to put the Net folder?
It's very confused.
no the porte are a separated folder, in which you will find the configuration of each team, goalnet folder is instead a link for your goalnet folder in sceneassets in the game, obviously i can't insert your linked folder of your personal fifa 16, so you have to follow the example and replace the linked folders with yours, but it's only to have a quick configuration for the packages. You can also simply follow the instruction on the porte files after replacing the 2 db files
Thanks man, I aprecciate but I didn't get it.
I don't use the stadium server, can I use these cameras ? Can you explain how to install them, because I can't do it at all ?
enlace caído
will you release it? i really liked the camp nou and the bayern camera. would be great if you teach correctly with a video!
here it is realism mod tutorial people. thank you for the patience. Sorry if it stutters at times, but that stupid program I use to record has cutted the video into many pieces and I had to find a way to put them all back into one. it was a struggle believe me, none of those online sites for editing videos work as they should. also, I think the link is still active, if not let me know
realism mod tutorial - YouTube
if you have any question I'm here to answer