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Questions about Fifa '08 (Merged Threads)


Senior Squad
Y0DaddyAlex;2388054 said:
irrelevant? Hardly, team strategy and composure is a key part of the game... unfortunately we have people who play these games who obviously never leave their rooms and PLAY the game in real life, and they do not understand such things as tactics and leadership unless they have seen it in past versions of video games

You really never stop, of course its relevant in real life but this is a game and in the game it doesn't make other than a visual difference!

So tell me when you're so smart, does a captain lead the team in the game? Does he make tactical decisions? Hahaha, you're a joke man.
You're pushing on this for the wrong reasons, you're trying to prove how you see the relevance of and how others don't. I would like to see them make that option available but i don't try to make it look that it's because i know football better.


Youth Team
it should have effects on players' stats, so it can have more than just a "visual" difference, you don't stop. And a captain does make decisions, a coach can make them but on the field the players listen to their leader more than they do their coach. you're pushing on this, get the hell out of my thread if you don't agree with it. some of you people are quite sad. find something else to do than spam my topic.


Senior Squad
Y0DaddyAlex;2388127 said:
it should have effects on players' stats, so it can have more than just a "visual" difference, you don't stop. And a captain does make decisions, a coach can make them but on the field the players listen to their leader more than they do their coach. you're pushing on this, get the hell out of my thread if you don't agree with it. some of you people are quite sad. find something else to do than spam my topic.

I shall trouble you no more my little friend.


Senior Squad
Y0DaddyAlex;2388127 said:
it should have effects on players' stats, so it can have more than just a "visual" difference, you don't stop. And a captain does make decisions, a coach can make them but on the field the players listen to their leader more than they do their coach. you're pushing on this, get the hell out of my thread if you don't agree with it. some of you people are quite sad. find something else to do than spam my topic.

lol...when you make a thread people don't have to go in and agree with what you are stating you know?


Youth Team
vitu;2388199 said:
lol...when you make a thread people don't have to go in and agree with what you are stating you know?

if you have nothing productive to say, why are you even posting in a topic you disagree with?


Senior Squad
Y0DaddyAlex;2388205 said:
if you have nothing productive to say, why are you even posting in a topic you disagree with?

If you don't realize it...it's the whole purpose of a thread to get all kinds of different opinions...people agree and disagree and that's why you open a thread....TO DISCUSS


Temper guys... keep it calm. Remember, we don't have to agree on everything - how boring would life be if we did?


Club Supporter
Will there be a Trophy Presentation

Like in fifa 06 world cup when u win the world cup u lift the trophy and celebrate


Youth Team
vitu;2388206 said:
If you don't realize it...it's the whole purpose of a thread to get all kinds of different opinions...people agree and disagree and that's why you open a thread....TO DISCUSS

I dont consider an opinion and constructive criticism to be "this is the stupidest idea ever" "stop talking" etc if you disagree, fine. say you dont think it should be in the game. but acting like 12 year olds throwing insults is ridiculous


Club Supporter
I'm not even going to disucss your thoughts on 'sissy rugby' this isn't the time or place for that.

And vice captain to me, means that there are 2 captains at the same time. One of more importance than the other. Like President and Vice President, but in football there is only one captain at a time.

The way you view it, yes there is a vice captain, but the way I view vice captaincy it isn't.

And in real life being a captain doesn't make your skills better (sometimes it makes it worse) so why should it in the game? Your thinking of fantasy football/soccer.


Youth Team
having a leader as a captain should help your team not make more mistakes and have more composure among other things that true great leaders always do on any sporting field. michael jordan pushed his players to their best when he was captain, sure a different sport, but the same idea. a captain is the leader, a team without a good leader is not a good team


Club Supporter
Just figured id throw this out there... anyone who'd edited or created players using CM07 will know that there is a 'leadership' option. So maybe EA did plan to implement captaincy having an effect ingame.
Although in a user controlled game, captaincy may not have much of an impact, (maybe the captain can calm down a few players to stop them getting sent off), But in a Simmed game (since i personally dont like playing every single game in the season), the captain could have an effect on the game, in the end effecting the ending of the game.
Though, even if captiancy had no effect what-so-ever in game, if im playing as liverpool, i want Steven Gerrard to be our captain.

But im going of the main topic, should captains be swapped if the player is subbed. (also answering an earlier comment about 'if you like the captain so much then dont sub him out then you dont have to worry about captaincy' injuries happen, if the captain is about to pass out from exhaustion then he needs to be subbed), well i feel just for presentation and for accuracy, there should be the swapping of the armband. Since FIFA is supposed to be simulation... dont see many flight sims with planes without wings, (mention helicopters and i will eat your babies)


Club Supporter
I am hoping that the A1 is smarter this season...

I am still having a hard time understanding WHY if you are beating the computer in manager mode does it sub out a middie or a forward for a defender late in the game ??


Club Supporter
BruceMcMoose;2390960 said:
But im going of the main topic, should captains be swapped if the player is subbed. (also answering an earlier comment about 'if you like the captain so much then dont sub him out then you dont have to worry about captaincy' injuries happen, if the captain is about to pass out from exhaustion then he needs to be subbed), well i feel just for presentation and for accuracy, there should be the swapping of the armband. Since FIFA is supposed to be simulation... dont see many flight sims with planes without wings, (mention helicopters and i will eat your babies)
You can change your captain to a certain degree, for example, say you want to subsitute Steven Gerrard, but you want Jamie Carragher to be captain. First, sub out carragher for the oncoming substutute, then sub Carragher for Gerrard, adjust the team so everyone is back in the correct position, and Carragher will now be captain.

Who you have as captain actually has an effect on team chemistry, whether this makes a difference to team play I have no idea.


Club Supporter
Interista13;2464707 said:
I don't think you can sub a player back in after you've subbed him out...:S
Well the substitutions aren't made untill you restart the game, otherwise you wouldn't be able to sub the player back on again would you. It does work, trust me.


Senior Squad
Mattwinter;2388450 said:
would be cool - after playing through a whole tournament I kind of get annoyed when there isn't much 'reward'

I agree with Mattwinter, one of the main things Fifa 08 is missing are the cup celebrations. It's a bit of a let down that after you win the Champions League :drevil:ECC:drevil: , all the players do is run around the field and take pictures of each other.

Another addon that would be nice is more Formations. Ea sports should take a leaf out a Football Managers book and make there formations the way they do (You drag the players on the position of the pitch you want them to play on). This way you have every single formation possible and alot of gamers will be much happier :)