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Promising Left Back For Championship


Everyone's Favourite Diabetic

i'm currently playing as West Ham in the Championship. And at the moment i have Chris Powell (who's 35) and Warnock (on loan from Liverpool) as my two LB's.

i've got about 700k to spend and i'm looking for a decent LB that will play in the championship, but would also hopefully be good enough for the Premiership next year :p

any suggestions?




Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
he looks promising... cheap aswell.

cheers ruud i might try him out :)


Starting XI
Adam Drury was solid for me. But again, could be too expensive if not on the free.

I also had an Austrian in Mario Hieblinger for about 250k, and Chris Doig for a similar amount. Both ok, nothing special but can do the job.


Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
C Anderson isn't in my game. (2 leagues and Normal database)

i think Drury is too expensive, and he's got a contract to 2007 with Norwich.

Hieblinger not on my game either.

Doig looks very cheap, but his stats aren't very much at all either.

i think i'm gonna go with Pogatetz.


The Legend
Crewe have this fellow, i forget his name. He's D RLC

He did the job for me with Boro in the premiership.


Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
bah Pogatetz wasn't interested in playing for West Ham :(

i'm half tempted to enquire into signing Warnock...

i've also realised that i possibly need a new keeper :(


Starting XI
Try Michael Ball, he has good stats and is solid for me. I signed him for my Wolves team when I was in Championship in my first season, still have him as starting LB right now beginning 3rd season.

When I signed him he was falling out of favour with West Brom and I got him for around 700k I think.


Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
i've just realised i've got young Chris Cohen in my reserves, he's young and very promising, i'll give him the odd game instead of Warnock to see how he copes.


Starting XI
Cohen progresses quite nicely, but I made the mistake of selling him both times I started a game w/ West Ham. The guy Bobby is talking about is Billy Jones, he's a great little utility player (D/DM RLC) from Crewe, maybe 500k? Although I do know Uncle Terry gives you sweet FA to work with..


Team Captain
Bobby said:
Crewe have this fellow, i forget his name. He's D RLC

He did the job for me with Boro in the premiership.

Billy Jones I assume. He gives an 8 rating very often and he is just 20 or so.


Fan Favourite
You can try Wayne Quinn. Isn't the best but is solid in other divisions then premier divisions plus he's free


Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
i'll have a look at this Jones guy when i can be bothered (or have time) to load up the game.

Zlatan, i'm kinda looking for a player that will also be able to perform in the Premiership when i get promotion (hopefully) so i don't know if Quinn would be any good.


Starting XI
Well i have a internet game with West Ham. I got Tim De Cler on a free when i was in the championship, im currently 7th in premiership in my 4th season, and hes still my first choice left back. He wont be too expensive, or possibly a free, get Chrstian Gyan too for defence, hes legendary. I sold Cohen to Arsenal on my game, then got 2.5mil because of a 50 % sell on clause i had on him.