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Post your PES2008 Screenshots and Vids Here


Club Supporter


Senior Squad
could any of the mods just combine this topic with the one i just created seconds ago :S :D


Reserve Team
The crowd is very interactive with the play. They can all clap, wave their shawls, ooh, aah.. etc.

Closeup 1

Closeup 2


Argentinan fans waving and laughing at Ronaldo after he missed.


Starting XI
Well for one, I must say that Adriano looks VERY realistic. Much better than PES6. I don't really know, but doesn't it seem on Ronaldinho's face that they gave him a headband? :D

I don't really like Henry's face. It's very close to Henry, however he looks a but fat in the game...

Overall these faces resemble their real life players better than every before!

Nice SS!!


SG Sheffield Authority
rikochet;2408883 said:
Thanks :D In the next SS I didn't touch the player :drevil: and he dive and I got a yellow card :P

I hope the console versions have AA/AF on, the screenshots look a bit jaggy.

Prob going to get it on the 360, my last Pro Evo (which i still play) is PES3 on the PS2 (H)


Youth Team
that first video is awesome lol. very nice :P i will post my video on youtube and show u guys it, nothing special just some game faces.


Starting XI
Wow, very nice video twiggins! Btw, what graphics card do you use?

(Btw, I don't mean to be annoying, but did you ever finish that redesigned FIFA 07 captains armaband?? Just wondering...)