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[PC] PES 6 - Option File for ORIGINAL version


Club Supporter
‘Cause the Original PES 6 needs more licensing, so I edited this OF for it.
* Only use EDIT mode, not KSV.
* Fix Emblem & Strip (season 06/07) for 27 unlicensed clubs, some National teams in CORRECT. Still 2teams PES/WE United (in Other leagues B), I edited into World/Euro All Stars (like PES 1-2 on PSX), with players in PES Shop :cool:
* Fix players’, stadiums’, clubs’ name in CORRECT.
* Make different for players same name (almost).
* Edit players’ appearance possible real (source: forums.pesfan.com).
* Stats Superstar Players (list here): edit their aility in balance.
* Commentary name (Last/Surname absolutely) & Number in CORRECT (almost).
* Balance quantity of players, Gkes some teams (based on transfers Summer ‘06, January ‘07).
* Players died until today, I put “Name On Strip” is R.I.P (...as the memory):clapwap:
- Benítez (Ecuador NT)
- Speed (Bolton)
- Scirea (classic Italy)
- Morosini (Udinese)
- Jarque (Espanyol)
- Puerta (Sevilla)
- Best (Shop 2)
- Marc-Vivien Foé (Shop 4)
- Garrincha (Shop 1)
- (Shop 3): Puskás, Bremner, Yashin
- (classic Brazil): Félix, Everaldo, Sócrates
- Salem Saad (United Arab Emirates NT)
- Óscar Carmelo Sánchez (Bolivia NT)
_ps: also use for "WE: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007" by rename, but error face/hair map. PES 6 had better !


Club Supporter
Other Leagues C into 17 Hidden nation Teams

- inheritance upper OF
- REAL player names (16 NPT), new kits (17 NPT)
- ORIGINAL Strategy, Team Settings, Formation, Number.., (17 secret teams)
- Appearance editing, commentary name (17 NPT)

[I][B]FLAG emblem[/B]:[/I] mediafire.com/download/062ha5wqlag3b1k/KONAMI-WIN32PES6OPT
[I][B]BADGE emblem[/B]:[/I] mediafire.com/download/k8yx6y2irxr0q8f/KONAMI-WIN32PES6OPT

PS: Let's edit residual Team R into your national team ^!^
Hello Toukichi,

Can you tell me how did you manage to put the nationality of Iraq or North Korea for example if in the originl game you can't choose this these nationalities while creating a new player.

I'm nearly 40 years old so I can't find an answer myself so easily. Thank you in advance.


Other Leagues C into 17 Hidden nation Teams

- inheritance upper OF
- REAL player names (16 NPT), new kits (17 NPT)
- ORIGINAL Strategy, Team Settings, Formation, Number.., (17 secret teams)
- Appearance editing, commentary name (17 NPT)

[I][B]FLAG emblem[/B]:[/I] mediafire.com/download/062ha5wqlag3b1k/KONAMI-WIN32PES6OPT
[I][B]BADGE emblem[/B]:[/I] mediafire.com/download/k8yx6y2irxr0q8f/KONAMI-WIN32PES6OPT

PS: Let's edit residual Team R into your national team ^!^
Hello Toukichi,

Can you tell me how did you manage to put the nationality of Iraq or North Korea for example if in the originl game you can't choose this these nationalities while creating a new player.

I'm nearly 40 years old so I can't find an answer myself so easily. Thank you in advance.

I used Hex Editor Neo, Dkz Studio to copy any NPC-teams into such as Other League C; Then edit with some other tools.
If caring, review thread "Tutorial Hex edit Team, Player,.." on EvoWeb site.
I used Hex Editor Neo, Dkz Studio to copy any NPC-teams into such as Other League C; Then edit with some other tools.
If caring, review thread "Tutorial Hex edit Team, Player,.." on EvoWeb site.
Will you have any update OF for original PES 6? Perfect callnames? Thanks for your great effort!