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*Official* SG Challenge #2


Fan Favourite
Second challenge!

Hassan has decided we'll play a season as Union Berlin in the German Regional Division North.

Finish the season as good as you can in league and cup, with the amount of players you have at the start. No signing of new players without selling another first.

Use only the database that came in the box - no updates - small database - German leagues only (all of them though ;)). Time limit: 15th of September, 23:59 GMT SG clock time.

Original database:
http://members.home.nl/hvkasteren/Original DB FM 2005.exe.
Point it to the correct folder, and overwrite your current database. AFTER BACKING IT UP.

One thread per challenger. Report on every game.
5 points for a win, 3 for a draw, 2 per goal scored, -1 per goal against
70 points for league championship, 50 for top 3, 30 for top 5, 10 for top 10.
30 for winning a cup, 10 for reaching a final.
5 points for every transfer in.
10 points for selling a player for over £ 5 million / € or $ 7.5 million.

Match points only awarded for competitive matches. Not friendlies.
Good luck.

I'll keep the score in this post, update with every update posted.

[b]Player           Matches played   Points scored
[color=blue]rpvankasteren          10             118[/color][/b]
crazyrussin             4              30
PSVFOREVER              3              16


Fan Favourite
rpvankasteren said:
You can set the last challenge, and the scoring, after this is done, Cody. No-one else will have anything to say about it. :jap:

woohoo. Finally full power (H)

I started the challenge btw, only made my formation and line-up so far. I have to play 2 matches on my Liverpool game for the end of the season, gonna finish that first


Senior Squad
THE POTENTIAL WINNER (:() I know I'm being early saying this and all, but the third challenge should involve Asia, as I'm sure most people don't know much about it. No J League in 05, but there's the K League! :D:(

BTW this event's great, getting this forum all pumped up and all. I'll do one if time allows. :fool:


Fan Favourite
Hyun said:
Ruud, I know I'm being early saying this and all, but the third challenge should involve Asia, as I'm sure most people don't know much about it. No J League in 05, but there's the K League! :D:(

BTW this event's great, getting this forum all pumped up and all. I'll do one if time allows. :fool:

tututut, not Ruud, me (H) ;)


Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
i would go for this challenge, but to be honest i'm kind of bored being small teams.